Part 25

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Both boys enjoy dessert in silence as the sun fully sets and they sit in pure moonlight.

Kurt puts aways the basket and sits closer to Blaine, taking the blankets and pillows to them. "Now lay down" Kurt says and does what he just said himself.

"You said when it's warmer again and the night sky clearer you want to watch the starts with me becasue you told yourself if you ever have a boyfriend you want to do this. And since we didn'T do that I thought now it's finally the moment" Kurt recalls, turning his face to a smiling Blaine.

"Yeah. I did. I already love it, thank you" the other boy says, pulling Kurt closer and taking him in his arms while he turns his face to look up to the starts. Kurt takes the blankets, wrapping it properly around both of them and answers "For you always".

Then both enjoy the moment in silence, listening to the sound of the nature. It's just them, cuddling, looking at the stars and saying nothing.

It's Blaine who breaks the silence after a longer while "You know, I don't know much about starts or astrology but I always wanted to go startgazing with you and it couldn't be more perfect. Especially after this amazing day".

"You're a cheeseball Anderson" Kurt answers laughing and cuddles closer to the warmth of his boyfriend.

That action doesn't go unnoticed by Blaine. "You're cold" he says as a statement and not a question. "A bit but we can stay here a bit longer if you want" the other boy answers but Blaine shakes his head "It's 10:30 and you're cold. Let's go home. Are you staying at my place? You didn't brought anything".

Yes Kurt has lot's of clothes and stuff at Blaines to sleep over but some creams and stuff are only at his place so he always packs a little bag when he sleeps at Blaines. "Of course. That's the last part. Rachel had two bags because one of them is mine so I don't need to bring anything" Kurt answers.

The boys stand up, take the stuff and walk back to the car, enjoying the sound of the nature until the last second.

"You really planned this through" Blaine says when they get into the car, still amazed by this wonderful day he had.

At home the boys decide to get ready for bed and watch some netflic and cuddle undtil they fall asleep.

Blaine is the first one to get ready and while he waits for Kurt he takes some time to text the people who hepled Kurt, thanking them.

When Kurt comes out in his shorts and a short he doesn't notices how clumsy he put ont he shorts with one sidenot fully down and that way exposing his scar.

Blaine on the other hand can't help but look at the scar. He only saw the one on Kurts stomach that one evening when Kurt told Burt what happened.

Now that Blaine looks at his leg Kurt notices it himself and fast straightens the shorts, pulling the leg down to it's usual length. "Sorry" he mumbles but Blaine shakes his head "You have nothing to be sorry for".

He waits until Kurt sits next to him before hesistantly asking "Can I see them? All of them? I only saw the one on your stomach once but I want to see them". "But they're ugly" the other boy answers but Blaine disagrees "I already told you that you're beautiful, they're beautiful and they show how strong you are. Please?".

Kurt sighs but nods. He looks insecure as he pulls upthe fabric of his shorts again "This is the longest one. The others are smaller". Carefully Blaine lets his finger trace over the scar"Beautiful".

Then Kurt exposes his upper body, showing Blaine his chest and stomach scars "The one you saw already is the smallest. The one on the chest is a bit longer".

Again Blaine strokes over the scar on Kurts stomach, repeating "Beautiful".

The he moves up, hovers over the scar for a second before softly pressing the lips over the scar on the chest. He kisses it careful and with so much love before repeating "Beautiful".

Then he remembers the places where Kurt got cut even tho they didn't left marks. So from Kurts chest he moves to his shoulder, his arns and his cheek, repeating after each soft little kiss the word "Beautiful".

When he looks at Kurt again the looks of insecurity had vanished and got replaced by a little smile and watery eyes. He can't believe just how lucky he is to have Blaine in his life.

The curly haired boy comes closer and kisses Kurt on the lips before saying "Kurt you are beautiful". Kurt wants to answer but Blaines action made him speechless so he just continues smiling. A tear of happiness rolls down his cheek but Blaine kisses the tear away.

Then Kurt pulls down his shirt again and cuddles closer to Blaine "Can we just cuddle?". "So no movie?" Blaine asks but Kurt shakes his head "Cuddles". "Okay" Blaine laughs and pulls Kurt in his arms to cuddle.

"Thank you for this wonderful day" the curly haired boy whispers and when Kurt answers "You deserved it" he realizes that the boy in his arms is already half asleep. A movie really wouldn't have made much sence anymore.

The planing probably wan't that easy and exhausting to some extend. Also sitting in the audience of the magic brothers and stay calm partly took Kurt a great effort. Even tho he didn't want Kurt to notice that he knows he saw how the boy closed his eyes and took deep breaths. One of the reasons why his hand never left Kurts. Naturally Kurt feels tired.

"Good night honey. I love you" the smaller boy whispers and Kurt answers silently "Love you too" before falling asleep.

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