Part 7

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⚠️ TW: Mention of rape

The next day Blaine wakes up late. He kept snoozing the alarm but now he has to stand up and hurry in order to be at school in time.

First he checks his phone but no news from Kurt. The night was terrible. First Blaine couldn't fall asleep, thinking of reasons why Kurt ran, thinking if he's the reason and worrying about the boy. When he finally felt asleep he dreamed horribly about Kurt breaking up with him and tearing his heart out of his body.

Maybe Blaine isn't good enough. Normally bad boys have a lot of sex and Blaine on the other hand hadn't lost his virginity yet since he wanted to wait for the right one. That's why he thought he'd be the one to chicken out and run when Kurt finally wants to do it with him.

But Kurt might actually be the one and now he doesn't even send Blaine a "sorry" or an "I'm home" or anything else.

Blaine gets ready for school, hoping to get the chance to talk with Kurt about everything.

But Kurt isn't in school. So after his first classes Blaine searches for Finn "Finn, where's Kurt?". "At home. He said he doesn't feel well and you know it's best to not argure with him" the tall boy answers, walking to the cafeteria.

Blaine, walking next to him, frowns concerned "Did he says something? Something like why he doesn't feel good?". "No. But he came home yesterday and locked himself in his room. He haven't come out since" the tall boy reports with a shrug. Then he remembers "Wait. He was with you before right? What happened?".

"We came home from the restaurant, then we made out and I told him that I'm ready" Blaine tells and almost runs into Finn who stops out of all sudden "For sex?". "Yeah. Why?" the smaller boy answers confused and Finn pulls him aside.

"I know what's wrong with him but I'm not the one to tell you" Finn says under his breath. "What do you mean?" Blaine asks but Finn shakes his head "It's not my place to tell you. But you two should talk. Maybe you get him to open up".

"Okay. Excuse me for the rest of my classes. I'm going to him now" the shorter boy says. "Wait" Finn stops him "He's alone at home and I think the door is closed. I can't help you with the door to Kurts room but take my key to get into the house. Let the door open so I can get in after school". He gives the key to the other boy, who takes it and starts running out of the building and to his car.

At the Hudson-Hummel house he turns off the engine and rnus out of the car to the house, unlocking the front door with Finns key. He runs up to Kurts room but as he wants to open it he realizes, it's locked. What else did he expect?

"Kurt?" he asks, knocking at the door. "Go away Blaine" comes from the other side of the door. The curly haired boy sighs "I know you're not okay. And that's okay. It is okay to not be okay. Please opn the door so we can talk about it. Please. I'm worried about you".

For a moment he hears nothing but then quiet steps and the klick of the door lock. The door opens and reveals Kurt, by now in baggy clothes, his hair is undone, his eyes red from crying, looking tired and is obviously not okay. "Kurt" Blaine almost whispers, relieved that he opened the door but still worried.

Without exchanging a single word the boys sit down on Kurts bed, not knowing how to start. "Was it my fault?" Blaine starts. By now he figured out that it's probably not but he never was in this situation and didn't know how to start. He's not selfish because he asked. Right?

Kurt shakes his head "It has nothing to do with you okay?". "Okay" the shorter boy and then says the obvious thing that everyone thinks "I thought bad boys love to have sex". The he realizes "Wait- Are you still a virgin? Because if yes that's completely okay. I am too you know?We-".

"I am not a virgin!" Kurt stops the other boys ramble, altough he could see that he was trying hart solve whatever happened. "Sadly not" he adds. He sounds hurt, Blaine notices. So he asks carefully "What happened when you lost your V-Card?".

Kurt took a deep breath in and then starts telling Blaine everything. "It happened when I was 13. I was at a friends house and it got late. His parents weren't home to bring me home and my dad was out too so I went home by myself. I walked dow a little street when a man walked in my direction. I thought he would just pass me but he started talking to me. To the naive, little, innocent boy. In a... dirty... way.

Then he grabed me. I was only 13 and couldn't defend myself. As much as I tried I couldn't... he was too strong. He started unclothing me and put his own pants down... He used me... He- slapped me... He f-fucked me a-and then- then he left me. He raped me and left me on the cold ground in the middle of the night.

My friend got worried since I promissed to call him when I'm home so he called my dad and they went searching for me. My dad found me half passed out some time later. My father took me to the hospital. Not much inner injuries from when he was in me but a sprained wrist, marks from his grip and slaps and a cold from laying nacked on the cold ground.

The man is in prison but I changed. He changed me and the way I used to think about people. When I got to high school I never saw my friend again. I started closing up from people after it happened. Finn and Carol know because dad told them since they're a part of the family now.

Everyone tried and still does to get me to talk to a therapist but I never gave in. I prefer not to talk about it. I never did since then until now. But every year on the same day as it happened I stay home. I feel terrible and just can't go out. That's why I wasn't at school the day you came here to look after me".

As much as Kurt hates to look vunerable, he couldn't stop the tears from falling and by now crying. Blaine too was crying, speechless about what he got told. He just opens his arms for the crying boy to collaps in them. He still doesn't like touches but Blaines touch means comfort. Blaines arms mean safety. Blaines smell means home and the way he strokes over Kurts back means love. And that's all what Kurt needs right now.

"Kurt, I'm so sorry. I shoudn't have been so direct yesterday" Blaine tries to start a conversation again after some silence but the other boy shakes his head "You didn't know. No one does. Walls up you know". "Yeah. I know. But you can let them down in fromt of me. You know that right?" Blaine says and this time kurt nods and sniffles "I'm working on it".

The smaller boy sighs "I love you Kurt and I know this is hard for you so I'll wait with whatever will come until you're comfortable with it. Just know that you can trust me". "I trust you. But I have my problems with letting people help me..." Kurt answers, finally sitting up again. "That's okay. I can help you with that too. Show you how to let people in. We'll work on that together" Blaine proposes.

Nodding Kurt sniffles again and then there's a moment of comfortable silence before Kurt speaks again "Did you mean it?". "What?" Blaine asks, slightly confused. "That you love me" the taller boy says and the other one nods "I love you. I really do". Blaine didn't even noticed that he said those threee words aloud but since they're the truth Blaine has no problem in admitting them.

Kurt presses his lips on Blaines again. It's a soft kiss but it meant everything to them both. "I love you too" Kurt whispers when they break the kiss, their foreheads resting against each others.

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