Part 22

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About a week later Kurt finally takes all his courage and goes to his therapist again. He's not quite there to tell her what happened. With his dad and Blaine it was easier, if that's the right word to describe how it went, because they're closer. It still helps to talk to her, even if it's only about a completely random topic like how school is or something.

Slowly and at his own pace Kurt starts getting better yet again.

The first sign of getting better is that he accepts company. Even if it sometimes it's a bit much and he goes earlier Kurt came back to Glee practice. He also shows affection to Blaine in public. More or less.

Soon the New Directions would start training for Nationals and if Kurt feels better and ready by then he can perform with them and if not he can also just watch them and help rehearsing.

The second sign is the change of clothes again. He loves fashion way to much to hold back the urge to wear unique clothes much longer.

The third sign is his behaviour. Sure at some days he still has troubles but with Blaine and Finn by his side crowded hallways are okay again to some extend so he can leave class with the others and be on time for the other classes.

But then Kurt starts to change yet again. At least for Blaine.

He starts being distant, having less time for Blaine again and being busy with other stuff. Blaine wonders but he won't make the mistake again to accuse Kurt on cheating again. Maybe now Kurt plans the surprise that he started planning three months ago.

Blaine doesn't ask and just enjoys the little time he gets with Kurt. Kurt is very grateful for that because yes he actually does plan the surprise again. But since some things have to get changed because of the change of time and weather and everything it takes more effort than he thought and even more time. But he has a lot of help.

Finn, Rachel, Mercedes, Burt and Carol help Kurt with his new plan for his old surprise so everything will be perfect.

Then finally in May the moment has come. Everything is planned but still Kurt is nervous as hell. Nothing could go wrong but at the same time everything could go wrong.

Friday after school Blaine says goodbye to his boyfriend before going home with Rachel for a nice evening and a weekend sleepover for best friends.

Kurt goes home with Finn and Mercedes. "Are you nervous?" the girl asks, seeing her friend nod "What if he doesn't like it?". "He will love it. And if not he would be an idiot who doesn't deserve you but that won't be the case. This boy is crazy about you" Merceses reassures him. "Thank you 'Cedes" the boy answers with a smile.

The evening Mercedes and Kurt go through the plan again, making sure that everything works out like it should.

While preparing dinner Rachel asks her best friend about the most random things or says stuff like "I love the sunset. Don't you like it too?".

If only Blaine knew what's behind this but he doesn't and that's good for Kurt and everyone helping him. But slowly Blaine starts questioning if it was a good idea to invite her for the whole weekend. Wait no. He didn't really invite her. It's more that she invited herself and he gave in.

In the next morning Kurt is so nervous he could hardly eat anything. But after breakfast he goes over the plan one more time as he still has a little time before getting ready.

Blaine wakes up from a highly motivated Rachel shaking him awake"Blainey! Wake up!". "Why?" the boy asks, hiding his face in his pillow. "Because I says so. Now come on. I make us breakfast" the girl says, pulling the pillow away.

It's 9am and in Blaines opinion too early for a weekend. But when he comes down in the kitchen and smells coffee, his mood lighten up. Coffee!

"So why do we have to stand up at 9am on a Saturday?" the curly haired boy mumbles and Rachel laughs "Because we have plans". "We do?" Blaine asks in surprise but doesn't ask further when the girl nods.

Once done with breakfast the clock shows 10:30 and Rachel pulls her best friend up to his room "Time to get ready". "Okay" Blaine answers, by now laughing at the exitement of his best friend.

The boy goes to his waredorbe and pulls out a jeans, a red polp shirt and a matching bowtie but Rachel shakes her head "No way you're wearing this! Let me see".

She pulls her friend away from the wardrobe, pulling out a pair of black pants, a white shirt and a plain black bowtie. "That's better" she says satisfied.

Blaine laughs again "We're not going out Rachel. Why should I dress that fancy?". "I'm not going out. You do. Now get ready and no more questions" Rachel answers, pointing to the bathroom.

With another laugh Blaine takes the clothes Rachel holds out in his direction and goes in the bathroom, closing the door behind him and starts getting ready.

Rachel smiles satisfied and takes her phone to call Kurt "He's getting ready now. Are you ready?". "Yes. But nervous. I'll be there in an hour. He should be ready by then with hair and all" Kurt answers and hangs up again.

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