Part 17

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Then Monday comes.

Just like everyone else Kurt wakes up early and gets ready for school. He ignores Blaines good morning message, changes into some comfortable and not too bold clothes and goes down for breakfast.

Blaine doesn't even know why he's still trying. Every text and call got ignored. Why should this moment be different? But in school Kurt can't ignore him.

Today they'll see each other agian and Kurt can't avoid him. Their lockers are next to each others and during Mr. Shora's class they sit next to each other and have to communicate.

Hoping that everything goes well Blaine takes his bag and leaves for school.

Finn told Kurt that they only told Rachel what happened, which is good. But what if the others start asking questions? Over all Kurt is nervous to be back in school.

Most of the band aids are away by now but the wounds not completely. What if someone asks what's in his face? Or what if someone touches his shoulder or arm?

Luckily no one sees the band aid that still coveres the wounds on his chest, stomach and leg. And luckily his bottom doesn't hurt anymore like almost the rest of the week.

Another thing that makes Kurt nervous is that in school he will meet way more people than under the Hudson-Hummel roof. He doesn't like people. He wants to be alone.

But he'll get this. That's what he told his family before leaving for school with Finn.

Kurts first stop is his locker and he should've known it but he sees Blaine there, waiting for him. Kurt opens his locker, not looking at Blaine who greets "Hey Kurt". "Hey" the boy answers short before closing the locker again and going to his first class. Normally they could've go together but Kurt doesn't seem interested in that so Blaine stays behind.

Instead of going with Kurt he goes with Rachel to the class. "At least I got a hey" he says to his best friend. "There's a lot going on in his head right now. Maybe he just needs some space" Rachel answers.

"Maybe. But I'm worried about him. We're still boyfriends right? He ignores me and we fought but we didn't broke up. That means we're still together. Right?" The curly haired boy asks and Rachel nods "I would say so. Just give him some space and time".

The friends enter the class room and take their place. Blaine sits down next to his boyfriend but Kurt doesn't look up. Instead he starres at his phone and waits for the class to begin.

When Ms Shora finally starts with her class she says, as always, "I have nothing to say or organize with you so you can start working on your projects with your partner. If you talk silent enough and don't get too loud we can end class five minutes early".

Everyone turns to their partner and starts working as quiet as possible. No one would say something against a few minutes less class.

Blaine also turns around to Kurt "You know you have to talk to me at some point right? We're still doing this project together". "I know" Kurt answers "We need to finish the script work so we can start filming as soon as possible. We can film the inside scenes as long as it's still to cold outside".

He still doesn't look at Blaine but at the script but they are talking and that's a progress.

The two talk about their project but once again Kurt says only as much as he needs to say. He's still very distant and not about to change that.

When Ms. Shora ends the class, five minutes earlier as promised, he's the first one to leave the room. Worried Blaine looks after him and then goes out himself together with Rachel.

Kurt somehow manages to not speak one more single word with Blaine for the rest of the school day and at home he isn't much better.

Not bother to eat lunch with his brother Kurt goes up to his room and starts with homework to keep himself busy. 

For dinner he goes down again but only says as much as before, which is not much. "How was your day?" Burt asks and his son answers "Okay" and with that the conversation finds an end again and everyone continues eating in silence.

In the late evening when Kurt wants to go to bed he can't fall asleep as always. So just like the other nights he turns on the little light on his side table, stands up and takes a sleeping pill. Then he lies down again and falls asleep with the light still on.

Burt and Carol sit in the living room, Carol with a glass of wine and Burt with a beer. "I'm worried about him" Burt sighs. "I know but give him some space. You said last time it took him a while to tell you anything closer. I guess this time is no different. Let's just wait a bit longer" Carol answers and kisses her husband on the cheek.

She empties her glass and says "But now I go to bed. I have an early shift tomorrow. Don't stay up too long". With that she stands up and leaves Burt with his thoughts.

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