Part 16

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About an hour later Finn and Blaine walk in after knocking on the door. They came straight from school, carrying around their school stuff.

"Hey Bro" Finn greets his brother, visibly relieved to see the boy awake. "Hey" Kurt answers, still looking out of the window. "How are you?" the tall boy asks but Kurt shrugs "Okay". Finn nods "That's good I guess".

Then he looks to Blaine, who looks at Kurt, who by now looks on his hands. Finn clears his throat "I'm gonna go and search for my mom. I'll come back later" and with that he's out of the door again.

"Hey" now Blaine greets the boy but Kurt stays silent. Blaine sighs "I know you're mad at me and you have every right to be but I want to apologize. I was wrong, so wrong, and I don't know why I thought  you would cheat in first place. You're not someone who would cheat."

There's a short break before he continues "Rachel told me about your surprise. She didn't told me what but she told me that this explains your behaviour". Kurt stays silent so Blaine keeps talking "Kurt I'm so sorry".

He sits down on the edge of Kurts bed and puts his hand on Kurts shoulder but the boy flinches. "Oh god Kurt I'm so sorry" Blaine immediatly apologizes, taking his hand back. But the boy shakes his head. "It's okay Blaine. You just touched this" he explains and shows him the band aid on his shoulder.

The curly haired boy nods and asks "Are you okay?". Kurt shrugs. "Do you wanna talk about it?" he continues but Kurt shakes his head. "Okay but if you're ready I'll be there for you" the boy says. "That's nice B but right now I just want to be alone" Kurt answers.

The other boy nods and stands up "Okay. But you can always call me". He goes to the door but before he leaves he turns around and says "I love you". But Kurt doesn't answer, choosing to stay silent. With rising tears Blaine goes out and closes the door behind him.

On his way out Blaine almost runs into Finn who asks "How did it go?". The smaller boy shakes his head again "He's cold and distant again". "As if history repeats itself" Finn mumbles and hugs Blaine goodbye before going to his brothers room.

Blaine runs out of the hospital and goes home where he finds a note from his parents, telling him that they are on a last minute business trip but left leftovers in the fridge.

Great. Now that Blaine really could use a hug and some parent love they're gone again. But the last thing Blaine wants to be now is alone so he calls his best friend.

"Rachel?" he asks, voice already cracking, when the girl picks up the phone "Can you come over? My parents are away and I could use some company". "I pack a bag. We're having a sleepover. I'm there in 30 minutes so get compfty" Rachel answers and starts packing before hanging up.

"Mom told me that Doctor Jones said that you can go home again tomorrow. That's great" Finn says when he enteres the room. "Why is it great?" the smaller boy asks. "Well" Finn thinks "Wifi, better food, own bed, company, family, friends".

But Kurt shakes his head "Wifi and Food maybe but I pass at the company". "Sure? I think that especially now you shouldn't be alone" the tall boy answers but once again Kurt shakes his head "I want to be alone".

But Finn doesn't move so Kurt repeats "Finn go. I want to be alone". The other boy sighs heavily but turns around and leaves "See you tomorrow at home". "Whatever" Kurt says, looking out of the window again, hearing how Finn closes the door behind him.

Rachel knew exactly what her best friend needs. She wasn't sure if Finn needs her too but maybe Finn could just do something with the boys becasue right now Blaine needs her.

So before going to Blaines she stoped at the shop to buy Blaines favorite ice cream and some chocolate. Once at Blaines house the two friends ordered pizza and while eating Blaine tells his best friend everything.

He tells her about the fight he and Kurt had yesterday and how things escalated.

He tells her about how it was to search for Kurt and how it was when they found him.

He tells her about the talk he had with Carol and how she helped him to calm down like a mother would do it.

Then he tells her about the not long but still very important visit in the hospital and the talk between him and the cold and distant Kurt.

Last but not least he tells Rachel that he just wanted to go home, talk to his parents about the traumatizing event and the heartbreak and get a tight hug from them but once again comes only after work for them

Rachel listens to him, calms him and tries to cheer him up or distract him. The two friends eat ice cream, oh so much ice cream, and watch movies until Blaine finally falls asleep. Rachel puts away the last bit of ice cream, turns off the tv, covers Blaine up and then lies down next to him, quickly falling asleep too.

The next day in the noon Kurt and Carol drive home. Burt had to work again because no one else could cover his time at the shop anymore but sicne Carols shift is over anyway she offered to take him home so Burt can stay at work.

At home the boy immediatly wants to go up to his room but his step-mother stops him "Kurt can I talk to you?". The boy rolls his eyes "What?". "Sit. Please" Carol says, sitting down on the couch herself.

It's weird and Kurt can't explain why but out of everyone Kurt is the least cold to Carol. Maybe because she won't push him? But the others won't as well. Maybe she just has a calming aura? Kurt doesn't know but he sits down next to her.

"What do you want to do next? Do you want to talk to your therapist again? Or do you need more time? And what about school? I would like you to stay for the rest of the week because of the little fever of yours but do you want to go next week or the week after and just pause a bit?

You don't have to answer me now. Just think about it and tell me tonight" Carol says but the boy doesn't need to think about it for a second "I don't want to talk to my therapist about it and I go to school as soon as I'm allowed again and the fever is gone". With that he stands up and goes to his room.

In his room Kurt lays down on his bed, thinking about what happened. He shouldn't but he can't stop himself and right now he just preferes to be alone. He knows that he's been there, hating people, conversations, physical contact, company and seeing the bad in everything. But he can't help it.

Was it a good idea to say he wants to go back to school that soon? In front of his eyes he sees McKinleys overcrowded hallways, feeling already like he can't breathe anymore. Fast he sits up and takes s few deep breaths. He'll get this. He'll go to school again next week on Monday.

The whole half week he has at home to rest Kurt doesn't talk to Blaine. He ignores his texts and his calls. With his family he only talks as much as needed. Most of the time he's in his room. Alone. Trying to keep his mind away from the memories about what happened. He keeps himself busy with watching TV, singing or designing.

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