Part 2

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Next day after school the two boys drive in silence to Blaines place. "My mom is at work, same with my dad. We have the house to ourselves" Blaine says as they walk into the house. They take off their shoes and go in the living roomo where Kurt throws himself on the couch. "Sure. Make yourself a home" Blaine mumbles and both roll their eyes. This is going to be fun.

"Do you have some snacks? You know, for the movie?" Kurt asks over his shoulder. "Popcorn I guess" Blaine says and goes in the kitchen to get it before he sits down. When he comes back with the popcorn and two cola he sees that Kurt already took out some stuff to take notes.

Fast both agreed on writing their own notes during the movie and compare them afterwards so they don't get distracted from talking about a note. It was Kurts idea and Blaine has to admit that he thought working with Kurt would be a lot harder.

Not because he thought he had to do it all alone. If he were paired up with Rick then he probably would've done it all by himself but since Kurt still cares about his grades he has good ideas on how to work the best way and not get distracted.

Until now they hadn't even one discussion. But it's only the beginning. Still Blaine thought it would be harder. But just like Kurt proposed both boys sit in the living room on the couch, watching the movie and taking notes silently for themselves while drinking and eating a bit from one time to another.

After the movie Blaine and Kurt start comparing their notes and Blaine realizes that Kurt is surprisingly easy to talk to. He still sounds cold but they talked about the movie, agreeing in a lot of points and in points they don't the discussion was formal and not turning into an argument people who don't like each other would have. No yelling, no mean names, nothing.

At the end of the day the review part is done and they even had time to start the paperwork. It's 7 pm when Kurt leaves to go home. After the door is closed behind the bad boy Blaine starts to clean up.

Now the house is empty again and Blaine feels alone again. He often feels alone when his family is out  of the house. Normally he invites people like Rachel or other friends from Glee but it's the middle of the school week and after dinner it'll be to late. Not knowing what else to do Blaine cooks himself dinner and goes to bed after.

When Blaine wakes up the next morning, he's actually quite exited. Since it was so easy to talk to Kurt yesterday Blaine wants to ask Kurt when he wants to continue working on the project. And today is also Glee so Blaine has one reason more. The only boring thing are the other classes.

In his last class he sits down on his place, looking at Kurt. The boy sits a row in front and two seats to the right from where Blaine sits. Means that the curly haired boy has to wait for the end of class to talk to him.

"What do you want Anderson?" Kurt asks, seeing the boy approaching him in the corner of his eye. "I want to ask you if you want to work on the project again today?" the curly haired boy asks smiling charming. But why is his smile so charming? Kurt thinks to himself. He clears his throat before answering cold "I have something else to do first but I'll be at yours around 5".

Without waiting for an answer, the bad boy stands up and leaves. Blaine stays behind, still smiling. "No way" a voice interupts his thoughts. It's Rachel, who must have seen everything. "Blaine, Hummel is trouble. Sure you two have to do this project but I know this smile. You can't like him" Rachel reminds him. "I don't like him. I just think he's missunderstood.

He's different when we were at my place to learn yesterday." Blaine answers and leaves for Glee Club, with Rachel following him and telling him over and over again that Kurt Hummel is danger, has no heart and doesn't even love his family.

Rachel saw Kurt with his family. But Blaine can't ignore the feeling that there's more behind this. Then he reminds Rachels words. But Rachel is wrong. Right? He hates Kurt and his bad boy image. And one afternoon wouldn't change that. Right? He doesn't like Kurt. Right?

When the door bell rings Blaine practically jumps up. He prepared some snacks and something to drink. "Hey" Blaine greets the boy cheerfully but doesn't get an answer. The bad boy just walks in, clearly in a bad mood. He sits down in the living room and unpacks his stuff "Let's start".

"Bad mood huh?" Blaine asks, trying to read the boy who grunts "Not your business Anderson". This is the Kurt Blaine hates. Where is funny Kurt? The Kurt that Blaine enjoyed talking to? The Kurt Blaine saw yesterday? With the goal of lighten the boys mood Blaine gets his stuff too and the two start working.

At the end of the day the paperwork is done so the next step is planing the second and bigger part of the project. By now Kurt is in a way better mood thanks to Blaine, which he didn't thought is possible.

In fact Kurt likes being in Blaines company but he would never admit that. He hates people. He hates being close to them. He hates physical contact. He hates talking to them. Why should it be different with Blaine? Maybe because he doesn't ask. He saw that Kurt was in a bad mood but he didn't asked a single question about why or whatever. He just made Kurt think about something else and that helped.

It gets late and soon enough it's time for Kurt to go home again. With a wave he says goodbye to the other boy and drives home. Finn is in his room and Carol at work but Burt, Kurts father, is at home. He sits in the living room and watches a game but turns around when he hears the door open.

"Hey Kurt bud. I wanna apologize for earlier. We thought that-" Burt starts but his son interupts him "Leave it. Oh and tell that woman that I don't need her help". Without waiting for his fathers response, the boy goes to his room and closes the door loudly to sign his father that he'S annoyed and wants to be left alone.

A week passes and it's finally time for the weekend. Blaine and Kurt didn't do much for their project because as it looks like most people are still at the review and only a few started the paperwork. They were the only ones that are done with both parts.

Blaine still is alone at home so he does the same at always. When he's alone at home and it's the weekend Blaine likes to invite people over to fill the house with life. Usually those people are just the New Direction members but that's enough. It's not a party and Blaines parents know that Blaine does these kind of hang outs but as long as nothing happens it's fine by them.

This time he also wants to ask Kurt. He knows that the boy probably won't come but asking doesn't hurt right?

Blaine: Hey. I still have the home to myself and invite a few people over. Do you want to come?

Kurt: Anderson is having a party?

Blaine: More like a movie night, hang out with a couple of friends

Kurt: Means people are there. Count me out.

Why doesn't he like to meet with other people? Blaine asks himself.

Kurt gives hints to the mysterium about him but the puzzle pieces somehow don't fit together. He hates people but he looks missunderstood. Something must've happened at some point in his life but what?

Blaine is curious but he won't push the boy into telling. They finally seem to get along or at least desn't hate each other completely anymore.

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