1: Failed Transaction

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Rianne's POV

Shit! Fucking Shit! I threw the vase next to me in the floor creating a loud crashing sound. I looked up at my head bodyguard who's head was down the whole time.

"Adie you better not tell my father about this, I will fucking kill you"

"You can't do that P'Rianne" he said knowing I can't harm him in any fucking way

"Shut the fuck up, I'm not gonna be scared to use you as a punching bag and throw your body in the river, God! It's so fucking simple and he still fucked it up! You're just gonna do a fucking drug transaction!"

"You know he's a newbie" he looked at me this time wanting to laugh at my messed up, mad state.

"You better not laugh. And I don't fucking care if he's a newbie... I'll just do them myself" I said standing up and walking out from my office and straight to the training room. I took my shirt off, revealing my sports bra. I changed to some leggings and my trainer took the pads for me to punch into. I got my boxing gloves on and got ready. I took one jab and cross quickly. Adding some hooks, stronger and faster jabs.

"You're mad" Pol said making me hit the pads harder.

"Obvious?" Sarcasm lacing my voice

"Let's do kicks" I took my boxing gloves off and walked to the punching bag. Wiping some sweats here and there, Pol held it for me and I started doing some light kicks first soon turning them to more powerful kicks. I stopped kicking cause my legs were starting to feel numbed and in pain few minutes later, I sat down feeling exhausted and pain in each muscle in my body. I stretched my left leg out and reached over and felt presence behind me.

"So Na failed to do the one job?"

"How the fuck do you even know?"

"Well Adie told me... Before you called him"


"Hey.. chill off, you need it" he said and placed his hand on my shoulder. I shook his hand off and stood up, walking to my room to freshen up. I'm gonna go drinking tonight.
I changed to a red dress, it's shoulder line was asymmetrical, the other side with long sleeves the waist was also revealed. I took some red heels and highlighted the waves my hair alittle and put some bold eye makeup, I walked out of my room soon and to my Red Lambo. I drove my way to the new Club area and was welcomed by the bouncer, I walked inside and it was alot calmer than your usual bar, this one was a place for drinking and more like.... Mafia meetings, let's just say.
I sat down in a table and yes I am alone, I don't need a man or anyone.

"Here's your Liquor Madam?"

"Rianne" she simply nodded, smiled and placed my drink down, She took a glass and poured me some. She left soon, making me look alone and notice... The Mafia bosses around just sitting and drinking with their workers... Or new coordinates probably. I twirled my drink around and noticed a familiar face entering the bar. Hm... He sat down and spoke, his bodyguards were just behind him and soon another guy came in the bar, he sat a few feet away and they started talking to each other. While gazing over to them a man walked over to me, I gazed at him with face basically screaming 'I'm not interested' he was a man in his 40's and god I swear I fucking hate men like this. He sat down 3 feet's away from me and took himself a glass pouring liquor half way.

"Hello, My Lady" Cockiness evident in his voice.

"I'm not interested"

"Wow already, why don't you tell me your name before saying those words?"

"No" I said and rolled my eyes.

"You don't have any knowledge about enlightening, don't you kitten?"

"I wouldn't wanna learn it from you" I took a sip of my drink and gazed at the familiar man earlier.
I felt a hand crawling to my thigh, I immediately pushed the man's hand away and glared at him

"You better not touch me again" I warned him and gave him a death stare. He chuckled as if I said the funniest thing ever and seem to take my words as jokes.

"You know my wife was just like you... Fiesty and won't listen but now she would do everything just to have me" well I didn't give a fuck. He attempted to touch me again and this time I'm not letting this happen,I took his wrist and twisted it making him stand up and wince in pain.

"Didn't I tell you not to touch me...?"

"Let me go you bitch" he reached his hand out to grab me but I just simply held his hand and stared him down.

"Look, I'm an easy person but you are going too far, you're a bastard" I said and knee him in the balls, he bended over cause of the pain, I kicked him off and I just know some were looking at me but I didn't give a shit. I sat down again and saw the man glaring at me, he walked away making me roll my eyes.
Maybe I should go home... I still have a meeting with my beloved brother tomorrow. I looked at the familiar guy earlier and saw him and the man he was with looking at me with amused eyes. I got up and took my bag with me and looking at them before smirking and leaving the place. My phone rang, it was Adie..

"Khun Rianne! Where are you!?" His panicked voice ringed through the phone.

"Calm the fuck down, I just went out"

"And didn't tell anyone?"

"No, you don't have to know about everything in my life" my voice was visibly irritated now

"I have to know that! I'm not the head bodyguard for no reason"

"Calm your ass down.... I'm on my way home, don't bug me when I get there" I ended the call and drove back home where yes Adie was waiting in the garage for me, I swear this guy must be in love with me.
I got out and signaled him to stay where he was and to shut up. I walked inside my mansion and went straight to my room to freshen up and rest. The door opened after a few knocks, revealing Adie.

"Just a reminder that you're gonna be meeting your brother tomorrow, Goodnight P'Rianne" he said bowing 90 degree and leaving me alone.

"See You tomorrow, Brother"

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