14: The End of TayTime

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Tay's POV

Okay Tay just call him and tell him that we're gonna have dinner together, I hesitated while looking at Time's number. I can't seem to bring myself to break up with him... I mean I've already put up with his bullshit for more than 3 years. But I don't wanna hurt myself anymore, and plus Rianne's right .. I deserve better. I clicked the call button and put my phone to my ear. I tapped my feet in the floor while waiting for Time to answer.. it rang a few times but I ended it knowing he's not gonna pick up. Tsk, I tried calling him till I was tired of trying so I just messaged him.

"Let's meet up, I need to tell you something" I sent him the location and time before putting my phone down and going to the pool.
I took my shirt and pants off, revealing my boxers, I sat at the edge of the pool and dipping my legs in the water ..
Time if you just didn't cheat too many times .... It's funny cause even Rianne saw it, you even tried flirting with her. But what really breaks my heart is that it's Porsche's friend that you're replacing me with. It could literally just be a random guy but why?
I deeply sighed and just swam, taking my mind off my painful thoughts.

"Khun Tay, your father is here" I looked behind me and saw my maid, I nodded and got out of the pool. I wrapped a towel around my waist and looked at Dad walking in my way. He smiled seeing me, I smiled back and walked towards him, embracing him. I haven't seen him in quite a while since he was in Korea cause of business stuffs.

"How are you, Son?" He asked while I pulled back. I smiled trying to mask my pain but I know dad saw my pass my mask.

"I'm alright, Pa"

"Don't lie to me... Is it Time again?" I took a deep breath and looked away, dad knows me too good.

"It's always him, Son. Stop hurting yourself. Cause I know for a fact love may hurt, so that you can learn but hurting the person you love over and over... That's not love, that's pain" I felt a tear streaming down my cheek, knowing it's gonna be hard letting Time go. Dad hugged me again, this time I bursted out crying in my father's arms. He caressed my back trying to comfort me.

"I'm breaking up with him Pa... But it's hurting me"

"Tay it's gonna hurt more if you keep up with this.. it's painful but you have to let go. If he's happy with someone else then you have to accept that... Maybe he's the on for you"

"Pa.... I'm sorry"


"Disappointing you"

"What are you saying Tay?"

"I know I'm supposed to be the one who will continue our business but I'm too dumb"

"You're not Tay.... Don't say that. You're still learning in life and no, you don't disappoint me. I'm proud of you" I pulled my head back and looked at Pa, with teary eyes. He smiled at me and stood me straight.

"I want you to stop sticking with Time's bullshit and break up with him, okay?" I nodded and wiped my tears. Dad looked down at his wrist watch.

"Oh see it's already 5. Wanna eat together?"

"Actually I'm breaking up with Time tonight" Pa looked at me and nodded.

"Go now Tay... Show him you don't need him" I nodded and walked to my room changing to some suit since it's a formal restaurant.... Thing. I looked at myself in the mirror, deep breathing several times before standing up and walking to my car, my driver opened the door for me, I got in and soon we started driving to the restaurant.
My phone ringed making me look at the ID. It was Yahnnie, I picked it up and heard her voice.

"Hey bu.. how's it going?"

"On my way"

"Okay ..after then let's meet at an amusement park. So you can cry on the Ferris wheel with me.. okay?"

"You're so advanced" I chuckled

"Of course. Oh good luck Bubu"

"Thanks, Yahn" she cut the call and soon we arrived at the resto. The door was opened by my driver, I got out and looked inside... It was very calm, dim lights, candles... Such a beautiful place
I walked inside and the waiter saw me, he guided me to the reserved table. I saw Time already sitting with his phone in hand. Time looked up, after seeing me he stood up and hugged me.. he looks fantastic. He pulled out the opposite chair for me, I took the menu after sitting down. I looked at Time who was already talking to the waiter... Flirting with the waiter, I cleared my throat making the 2 stop whatever they were doing.

"I'll get the T-bone steak... Medium rare"

"I'll get the Ribeye, Medium well"

"And a bottle of Chateau Margaux 1787" the waiter nodded and took the menu from us. While doing so he intentionally touched Time's hand and winked at him. I just looked at them and I seriously feel so invisible. After flirting with each other the waiter walked away leaving Time and I alone, he looked at me with a smirk smile and asked

"What do you want to tell me baby?" Not yet .. Not just yet Tay...

"Let's wait for our food first.." I said and leaned back at the seats... I just looked at Time while was looking outside, I hope you know I love you.
The wine came after a few minutes, the same waiter came to us and poured both our glasses half way, I swirled the wine around before sipping on it. Taste good I guess... Had better ones before tho.

"So Tay... Uncle went home" I looked at him shocked since he doesn't really care about my family. I nodded without saying anything.

"Are you alright Tay?"

"Yea I'm good" I replied simply, after a long 15 minutes the steaks came, we started eating minutes later in silence.

"Time" I called him out before putting a chunk of steak in my mouth. He looked up, his eyebrows raised.

"Yes Tay?"

"About the thing I'm gonna tell you... I'm breaking up with you" I looked at him straight in the eye, he looked up at me looks like he knew... I'm not the type of person to ask him out, unless it's something serious.


"Look... I've been hurting myself for more than 5 years... And I don't want to do this anymore... It hurts"

"I understand... I'm sorry for hurting you, but I want you to know that ... It's really not you, and at times I really can't help it. Hurting you is probably... The worst decision I've done... But I wish you'll be happy. You were enough, Tay and I promise I saw that..."

"Then why?"

"Tay... I'm so sorry, I knew this day would come but I tried to prolong it... I tried not to show you but I guess at the end of the day... You're not blind Tay. You could have done this earlier "

"Your love.... Was everything to me Time, I tried to just shut up but I can't anymore Time"

"I understand.... Again I'm sorry Tay" i nodded trying not to burst out crying in from of him. I looked up and smiled at him, sadness were pretty much visible in my eyes. I stood up and looked at Time...

"Good bye Time" he looked up at me, sadness, guilt were visible in his eyes.

"Thank you Tay" with that I walked out without looking back.. I walked inside my car and tears started streaming down uncontrollably. It hurts so bad! My driver started driving, soon we reached the highway, I looked out at the night lights .. I remember spending my nights with Time looking out at the night sky... Am I gonna regret this?
I sniffled and wiped my tears.

"I love you, Time... And Goodbye my love"

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