22: Meeting with Kinn

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Rianne's POV

Someone knocked at my bedroom door making me open my eyes.

"Khun, Your brother is here" I furrowed my brows in confusion... Pete wouldn't come here at this hour? I looked to my side and saw the time. 6:12, huh what is he doing here? Oh maybe he's here so we can go to the Theerapanyakul mansion together... It's already Friday and today is the meeting day. 

"I'll be down in a few" my voice was kinda rough and groggy but I'm good. I got up and yep Big was not next to me... I went straight to the bathroom to freshen up and change into some black Blazer and pants set, I just buttoned the blazer and put my accessories. Tied my hair up, put my heels on and took my phone and bag, I walked out of my room and downstairs. Once I reached the living room, I saw Pete sitting. Why does he seem sad? His back was facing me but I can clearly feel his sadness. My heels clicked with each step I took which made Pete and the bodyguards look at me. I smiled at Pete and opened my arms for a hug. He walked to meet me and embrace me, his aura is so sad... He seems so down. This better not be Vegas or I'm gonna be the one killing him.

"Hey... Are you good?" I know I sound so concerned.

"Yea .."

"Don't lie to me, I know you're not .. what happened?"

"Nothing... Come on Kinn's waiting"

"Kinn can wait"

"We don't want to make him wait, come on" he said and pulled back. I just nodded and walked out with him. He was wearing his suit and oddly enough he's wearing the brooch of Rattanakosin... And not the Theerapanyakul and if you're wondering only the bodyguards wear brooches right? No it can be a sign you're a part of the Rattanakosin clan, and the brooch of Pete is different from our bodyguards.

"You look good"

"Thanks, so do you"

"Wait... Aren't you supposed to be with Vegas?"

"Uhmm... I want to go there with you"

"Aww so sweet of you"

"If course" he smiled which he tries to do to mask his pain but I can still feel it. Now I'm 70% sure it's cause of Vegas.
Our bodyguards followed behind... Pete didn't bring any bodyguard with him... Vegas won't let him go without at least 4 bodyguard.. yep I'm killing Vegas today.
We got inside our BMW and sat down comfortably..

"I went out with Tay just this Monday and guess who we saw there"

"You were with Tay? When I called you"

"Yea we went to Givenchy and saw The Takagi siblings"

"Oh your ex?"

"No he's technically... Not but yea. You know how that went"

"Is he any better?"

"Well no, he's now the head of their clan. Mr. Takagi died 2 months ago apparently"

"Well that's sad"

"Nah... Not really, I think they have become more and more ... I guess unlikable, JJ seems worse now"

"Obviously, Imagine if your father died, wait is it sudden?"

"No, he was sick so they went back-"

"Oh yea yea. Question for you tho"


"Are you ready?"

"Well I've been trained my whole life so I guess I can work with it.. hopefully"

"Don't worry you're already the underboss of our clan, you can definitely do it"

"Let's hope" soon after our conversation, we arrived, the car stopped infront of the main door of the mansion. The door was opened and I stepped out. I waited for Pete. After then we walked to the meeting room. The Theerapanyakul cousins were all there, Porsche was also sat with them. I smirked to myself which soon turned to a smile when it was time to face Khun Korn he sat in the middle, Kinn in his left and Kim on the right. According to Pete after the battle shit with the minor family 2 years ago. Kim has participated with the Mafia business of his family. I sat opposite of Kinn, next to me was Pete. I looked over and Pete and Vegas who was looking at each other already. Pete looked emotionless... And mad, while Vegas was basically apologizing to Pete with his eyes.

"Khun, thank you for attending our meeting. I need to discuss something about our underground activities. We have created enemies while in the casino and I think we will be needing your help" Kinn addressed the problems they were currently facing. Well that seems simple.

"I will be shipping out anything you will need in case they initiate attack. Just tell me anytime"

"And they're also been a clan who has been sending threats toward the Minor family, we don't know who is behind it" Porsche spoke up too.

"What kind of threats? And is it only in the minor?"

"Well they have been sending the heads of our guards and the people we send to make transactions and yes it's only in the minor as far as I know. Kinn has there been any?"

"No we have not... As of today"

"Who was the first one they sent who were you supposed to do the transactions with?"

"It was supposed to be with the Chinese clan, Li. They are known to have connections with the Japanese clans but I don't think it has anything with the Japanese"

"When was the latest?"

"Just last week, we sent out ships of drugs and substance to Spain and Italia. along with our trusted guards but he didn't return only his head did"

"Okay... Do you have any known rivals at this moment?"


"Well you will need to look deeply at this issue... I don't remember any of you guys having any heated rivalry with any clans so I don't see a reason for anyone to threat you. Unless we have an unknown enemy"

"Well... Do you?"

"I don't remember, as far as I try I don't like making enemies" I sipped my tea and gazed at the boys, they all look chill except for Porsche. He had furrowed brows and was deep in thoughts.

"Don't worry Porsche, we'll dig out who's doing this" he just nodded and gazed at Kinn. Minutes of silence filled the table which no one dared to break, we heard footsteps coming from the door making me look. it was Pol and Arm. They had a box in hand... What? When they reached us they placed the box few feets away from us. Pete and Vegas were the closest to the box. Big was right behind me which kinda gave me some sense of comfort. Arm and Pol moved next to Big and looked at the box with us. The box looked normal as far as I see .. but the lower bottom part was soaked with blood... A trail had left cause of Arm and Pol carrying it. Vegas looked at us before slowly opening it. Once he peeked he looks like he had stopped working .. he gazed at Pete and I before shaking his head sideways.

"What is it?"

"You don't wanna see this"

"Show us, Vegas" Pete spoke in a harsh tone. Vegas looked at Kinn with uncertainty in his eyes. He opened the box and my whole world stopped .... No.

It was our fathers decapitated head.

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