15: I'm here

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Rianne's POV

I was walking around the Theerapanyakul's mansion with Arm, since it's been quite some time since we last saw each other... Well other than that time.

"It's good to see after some while, Khun Rianne" I smiled at him and nodded ..

"It's good to see you too. Has life been harsh to you?"

"At some degree yes... But it's been quite easy .. except for Khun"

"He's still the same"

"Indeed... How's Big?"

"He's alright I guess, he's only been my bodyguard for 2 days"

"He'll protect you with all his life"

"I just know" I looked at my phone to check the time, it was 7. I looked at Arm and spoke

"I have to go out with Tay ..I'll see you later" he nodded and I quickly ran to my car. While on the way my phone rang, I answered the call through my earpods. I heard Tay's sad voice speaking through.

"Bu.. where are you?" His voice sounded so hoarse .. sad and lonely.

"I'm on my way, wait for me" I sped the car and drove to the usual meet up place Tay and I would see each other before. After driving for more than 20 mins, I finally got there. I looked around saw Tay... I sighted seeing him, I walked to him and immediately heard his sobbing. I pulled him in a hug letting him cry. Hearing his sobs made me tear up too.

"Why?" He asked between his sniffles.

"I'm here for you" I patted his back knowing it's gonna be hard... Cause I know what it feels first hand... It's painful, and it feels like forever but thing have to be done cause if not it will just dig a deeper hole in your heart and when it's time to get rid of it, it's harder cause it's already there.

"Why does it hurt so bad? I wasn't informed that it's gonna be this painful" I smiled through my tears but I'm hurt with Tay's words.

"He just said he's sorry... What's your sorry gonna do? What is it gonna do?" He sounds so broken. I'm so sorry Tay

"Please tell me... I will get over this, cause if not, I'm done .. no one will ever love me the same Time does"

"Don't say that Tay, you're lovable and you know it deep down he doesn't deserve all the love you gave him"

"He said I was enough but... He still managed to cheat"


"What hurts the most is that, I tried so hard, wasted years years if my life, turned down Kinn, hurt myself.... For him" he pulled away after saying that, his eyes were swollen, red and tired. I wiped his tears and looked at him with pained eyes.

"You deserve better. It's gonna be hard. It took me 2 years... Not even, to try and get over Kinn. When I got back here all I brought was chaos and pain to people around me. And I still hasn't get over him. But Tay you can do this. I'll be here anytime you need comfort, I'll be here to hide your tears... I'll eat ice cream while crying. You can do this" he nodded, I know he's sad buts he's strong. He has gone through everything.

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