11: Theerapanyakul's to the rescue

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Rianne's POV

I looked at tied up Porsche while he was unconscious.... What's happening here? I proceed with plan. It has been a long 1 month of intricately planning on getting Kinn back.
Kinn come get your boy back. I took my gun and played around with it... I wonder what kind of surprise they're going to show me.

"Rianne, the Theerapanyakul's are alarmed" Tawan said looking up at Chay who was tied in a chair. I nodded and alerted my bodyguards. I heard further more footsteps, I looked back and saw Pete, he fakely smiled at me and looked at Chay and Che.

"Are you sure about this Sis?"

"Yes, but isn't it funny how the head of the minor family is so darn easy to kidnap? His brother? Just like him. May look like he will kill you but is really just scared" I said looking at Porsche. He's pathetic.

"Vegas will be here soon" I nodded and walked towards Tawan. He pulled me closer and stared at my light amber orbs.

"Make sure to kill them" he whispered softly. I nodded, getting away from him. Few more minutes later we heard several footsteps... Alot of footsteps. I cocked my gun and kept it behind me, There they are... Kinn Theerapanyakul, the head of the Main family. Arm and Pol behind him and some new guys. Vegas was in front of them leading them, I smirked as Vegas started walking towards us, wrapping his arms around Pete.

"Rianne stop this" Kinn said loud and clear. I pouted alittle trying to look innocent and all and walked towards him..

"Why? Do you love him more than you did to me?"

"Yes so let him go"

"I thought you miss me?" Just as I said that I heard some kicking behind me. I looked back and saw Tawan kicking Porsche. Kinn looked behind me and his facial expressions were so fun to see. He looked pissed as fuck.
Soon Porsche woke up and gazed on what's happening.
He looked at me with anger filled eyes Making me chuckle.

"Aww is the minor family's head mad?" He stared at me angrily. Killing me almost.

I pointed my gun towards unconscious Chay. Porsche shouted abruptly stopping me. I looked towards him. Now he looks like he's about to kill me.

"Don't you dare harm Chay"

"Are you scared? That your little brother's gonna die?" I felt a gun pointing behind me, Kinn.. I turned around fearlessly and faced Kinn. I nodded at him and took his hand pointing it in the very center of my chest while staring at him.

"Do it Kinn! Do it!" I shouted knowing he won't be able to do it. His eyes screamed stop... But I won't, not until I have you back.
Tawan was pointing his gun at Chay still threatening Porsche, of course I'm not dumb, Porsche's probably doing all kinds of shit with the cuffs. I looked back at Kinn once again and looked at the gun in his hand. One thing caught my attention making me stop. He was wearing 2 different rings, one the ring of the Main family and another on his ring finger... I looked up at him once again. Shit! I took my gun and pointed it at Porsche. I was about to fire the trigger when we heard several gun shots, I ducked alittle while looking behind. Kim of course he'll come cause obviously, Chay is here, Pathetic. Several gun shots once again fired this time the sound was closer to us. I stood up looking at Macau... Yes Macau firing back at Kim, soon they stopped and just pointed their guns at each other. The whole time Vegas was looking out for Macau ready to shoot his cousin if he dare hurt Macau. This is fun, I looked at Kinn who was with Porsche, Porsche had uncuffed himself now. I rolled my eyes and started a hand to hand combat with Porsche. I kicked Kinn in the stomach once he tried interfering with Porsche and I.
Arm and Pol were trying to get to Chay. Porsche and I fought until we were in the floor. I saw a knife lying on the side of my eye. I quickly took it and slashed Porsche on the shoulder making him wince. He punched me square in the jaw making me fall over. I stood up and saw Kinn behind him.
Pete walked behind me with a gun in hand, pointing it at Kinn, I took my gun just as I was about to shoot. There was several shooting sounds halting me. I looked over and saw Kim with his hand over his shoulder, it was bleeding. Vegas ran to Macau moving him away from Kim. Kinn pointed his gun at Vegas. Tawan looked at us and laughed.

"Isn't this fun, Rianne you are right. It's fun seeing them kill each other" Tawan pointed his gun at Porsche... You have nowhere to run Porsche. Macau's lip had a cut ... Since when did Kim and Macau actually punch each other? What?

I heard Tawan groaning and fall down behind me. Making me turn, Chay ... What the fuck!? I pointed my gun at Chay and focused on his smirking face. Vegas pointed his gun at Kinn. Macau still at Kim. Kim and Porsche seems to love Chay so much that they're actually pointing both their guns at me.

"Rianne stop please. Not my brother" Chay looked at Porsche who was behind me and gulped.

"I don't care Porsche... Shut up"

"Why do you hate me?"

"Cause you took Kinn!" I shouted, looking back.

"I didn't! You broke his heart!"

"Did you think I wanted to!?" I took my gun down and looked at Porsche, heart broken.

"No! I didn't want to break up with him!" I shouted .... Looking down, I smirked and looked back up after a few second seeing Ken behind Chay, his smirks makes me so happy. I laughed maniacally and looked at Kinn with a surprised face. The fun didn't end there... Cause Big came out of nowhere and pointed at his ex bestfriend.... He's still alive, my smirk was tempted once I saw Big. I kept my smirk on but my eyes had shown nothing but guilt. I looked at them pointing their guns at me and each other.

"Go on! Kill each other!" I shouted, seeing them glaring at each other.

"Why? you can't!? You weaklings! Come on kill each other!" I said and shot Porsche. He fell down while holding his wound.

"Stop! Rianne don't!" Pete said, making me look at him confused.

"Please enough.... They don't deserve this.... Ken, Big put it down please. Macau! Stop" Pete begged, tears beaming in his eyes.

"Pete..." Vegas said and dropped his gun walking back to Pete.

"Please Rianne stop this" Pete begged me.  Dropping every weapon he had and going in his knees. Why does this break my heart?

"Pete stand up" I said emotionlessly, not looking at him.

"Stop please" I dropped my gun and looked at Kinn who had Porsche in his arms while bleeding out.
I gazed at Big and Ken pointing guns at each other ... The once best friends now ready to kill each other.... Kim and Macau.. Arm and Pol begging me with their eyes while they were also pointing their guns at Ken. Chay had a sad look seeing what just happened. I dropped my gun and fell down when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I looked down and saw myself bleeding, I coughed my own blood up. I felt arms wrapping around me and several more shots. I looked up at Pete who covered me, Incase another shot comes.

"Rianne listen to me" I heard Pete say while taking my hand...

"I'm sorry"

"No no, don't say that"

"I'm sorry" I said looking at Pete who had tears streaming down his face. I looked at Tawan..... Dead, for real this time. Big ran to me, Arm following him. Ken and Pol still in shock. Vegas came to my sight just as I was about to completely close my eyes.

I'm sorry, Porsche

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