Author's Note

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Hi guys! Thanks for checking out this fan fiction.

As I read this book over, I cringed. I wrote this when I was 12ish, 13ish and it was one of the first things I ever wrote and published on Wattpad. This was when I didn't really know anything about writing and some of the mistakes in it makes me cry. As I read some parts all I was thinking was, "Why did people read this? It's complete crap." 

Some chapters may be shorter and some paragraphs here and there will be removed, but it's because when I was writing this all I could think was "I need more words! I need to make the chapter longer!" so some nonsense was added and in no way whatsoever was relevant to the plot or anything, but hopefully in time, all will be removed.

Update: This book is now completed for editing (or for the most part). The editing isn't perfect, the book still has a lot of flaws, but I'm tired of trying to fix something my 12 year old self wrote. 

The sequel to this book is Burning Bright. 

Please check out my other books I have been working on that aren't fan fiction!

"and when you looked at me"

Fire Extinguished (Flaming Desire Book 1) A Katniss and Finnick FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now