Chapter 27

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  Finnick POV

"Put up the defenses!" yells Plutarch.

Everyone is running around, trying to do everything we can to protect ourselves. The hovercraft bursts forwards in an unusual, lightning speed.

"Where are we going?" I ask. I thought that we were supposed to stay here, but now with the Capital having us found, I don't know where we're headed.

"Towards District 13," they answer me.

"But what about the orders? I thought we were suppose to stay put? I thought the Captial was attacking District 13?"

"Well, change of plans," Plutarch says to me. To Haymitch he says, "Contact District 13. Tell them what happened. Make sure they're ready for us."

I try to start again,"I-" but Haymtich interrupts me.

"You don't get it do you Odair? We have to do everything in our power to keep her safe," he nods towards Katniss. "Right know, the revolution lives as long as she does. People get hope from knowing that she is alive and running." He says more quietly, "And we both know that keeping her safe is something you want more than anything."

That shuts me up for the rest of the time. We get a few hits and we get pushed a round a bit, but other than that, we make it to District 13 safely. Something tells me that I underestimated the power of this District.

Once we get unloaded from the hovercraft, there are nurses and doctors surrounding us. They pull us apart. I don't see Katniss anywhere.

They check me for any injuries and multiple things. Once we are finished, they bring us back together. We meet the President of District 13. Her name is Alma Coin, but we are to call her President Coin.

She says she has something to tell us. That they went to the Capital to avenge the deaths, collect supplies, and the bodies, if there were any left. They told us they found someone. Someone that would mean something to us.

They take us to a room, that holds the mysterious person. I see them now. They run to each other as if their lives depended on it. They hug each other and it seems that they aren't letting go anytime soon. Something's like Katniss, make you have hope in things. Other things, make you lose hope for everything you believed in. They crush it without knowing it. She built my hope up and he crashed them down.

Fire Extinguished (Flaming Desire Book 1) A Katniss and Finnick FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now