Chapter 4

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Katniss POV

"Katniss!" I look around. I need to find his voice.

"Peeta!" I scream.

Something knocks me to the ground from behind. I look up and see Peeta's face. I am about to hug him, but then I see his eyes. They are filled with anger and rage.

"You mutt!" he spits in my face. "Your a monster! A murderer! This is your punishment!"

I can't move anymore. Something's holding me back.

Peeta has hostages. He starts to kill them. He kills Prim. Rue. Gale. Madge. My mother. My father.

I can't scream. I can't cry. Not in the dream. Peeta continues to kill innocent people and all Peeta tells me is that it is my fault.

The worst part is that I believe him.

Finnick POV

I wake up to someone crying. Katniss is in a ball and she's sobbing hysterically. Then she starts screaming and startles me. I am about to call Haymitch or Plutarch, but then I remember what Katniss said, so I stop and walk over to her.

She is now crying and screaming at the same time. I don't know what to do. I think of what Peeta would do, so I gently wake her.

She stops screaming, but her eyes squeeze even tighter. She is still crying when she latches herself on to me and holds me tightly. I don't know what else to do but hold her too.

"Peeta," she sobs. I think she is mourning over him, but then she says, "Peeta, please stay. Don't go."

I don't know what to do, but I stay with her. I let her think that I am Peeta. I know it's wrong, but she should have a bit of comfort. I slide under the blankets with her and I hold her tight for the rest of the night.

Katniss POV

I wake up and I feel someone next to me. Peeta. It must've all been a dream. I hold him tight and fall asleep with him. There's something different about him this time. I can't put a finger on it, but I don't care right now. I just need his comfort. I bury my face into his neck and my legs tangle with his. All he does is hold me even tighter. He then presses his lips to my temple and buries his face into my hair.

His lips feel different, but I don't care. I am too tired and distraught to care. All I want is his warmth.

Finnick POV

Katniss buries her face into my neck, puts her arms around my neck and tangles her legs with mine. I hold her tighter and think of what to do. I think of Peeta, so I press my lips to her temple and bury my face into her hair. I try not to cry when doing this reminds me of Annie. We finally fall asleep in that position.

Fire Extinguished (Flaming Desire Book 1) A Katniss and Finnick FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now