Chapter 29

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Finnick POV

Everyone always looks in awe whenever the wonder couple passes. I see her with him. She seems happy. She seems in love. Its good for her I think. She's younger than me, she deserves to be with someone her own age. Perhaps there is a chance that Annie will come back. A pain stabs my heart. It didn't use to be like this when I thought of Annie, but that was back then when I had Katniss with me. But just like Annie, she was ripped from my life.

I try to have hope that maybe someday, District 13 will find Annie, but just as Peeta pulled away Katniss, he also pulled away all my hope.

They walk in the cafeteria together. They're walking shoulder by shoulder. They go get their food and they come sit in front of me. They say hello. Peeta smiles and so does Katniss, but hers is guarded. I try to smile back, but somehow all I manage is to nod back.

I sit there listening to Peeta talk. I reply sometimes, but only with a yes or no. I don't really engage with conversation. I can't bring myself to it. Its been like that for a while now.

Peeta leaves to his designated area that is printed on his arm. I walk to my designated area and it seems that Katniss has the same one.

We are the only ones walking in the hall and it is a complete silence. Katniss then pulls me into the supply room.

"Finnick," she starts.

"What do you want Katnis?" I say exhausted, tired from keeping up the facade. 

"You know what," she says. "W-", but I cut her off.

"Katniss you're with Peeta now and that's all. You're here. Your safe. The days we had in the hovercraft is over. We have a war going on."

She sucked in a breath of air. "So what? That's all it was? I was just a task for you? A mission? "

I don't reply. I can't. Because it wan't just nothing for me.

"I just want to know," she whispers. "Did you love me? At all?"

I stay silent.

"Just answer my question and I'll go away. I'll go and be with Peeta and things won't be complicated."

"Just answer my question. Please." She begs.


Everything freezes. Everything stops.


That's all she says. Her expression then turns angry.

"Well, that's too bad," she spits out. "Because I did."

With that I watch her walk out the door and away from me.

Fire Extinguished (Flaming Desire Book 1) A Katniss and Finnick FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now