Chapter 18

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Finnick POV

I raise my eyebrow at her as she walks towards me. She gives me a soft smile in reply. We walk back to our room in silence. She steals glances of me, gazing with a different expression on her face, but I pretend not to notice.

I was thinking of starting our little game again, but it seems to have died. The games fades away. It didn't do either of us any good. It just hurt us even more, even though we didn't realize it.

Once we enter the security of our room I turn to her and place my hand on her arm. "Katniss," I try to get her attention.

She flinches at my touch and pulls away. "I need to go do something alone," she says absentmindedly and quickly. She walks out the way we just came in before I get a chance to say anything.

I watch her leave and walk out of my sight when the idea forms in my head. Before I realize what I'm doing, my feet are making their way to Haymitch's room.

Haymitch POV 

I don't know what that boy is planning. One minute I'm sitting there happily enjoying my liquor, then the next he barges in ruining my peace.

"Haymitch," Finnick says upon entering my room.

"Let me guess, she tried to kill herself?" I say a little bit annoyed.

"No," he says curtly, "I was wondering where the spile and pearl from the Games were."

"And why do you want to know?"  I pull sarcasm on him.

"I'm getting them for Katniss," he replies. The way he mentions her makes me wonder. 

"Does she know?" I ask, ignoring his request.

Finnick looks confused and says, "About me getting the things-"

"No. Does she know?"

His confused expression doesn't leave his face. He opens his mouth to speak, but I interrupt him.

 I throw my bottle down. "We were all asked to do it. We were all threatened," he finally catches up, "You need to tell her. It ain't gonna get any prettier, the more you hold it off."

His shoulders drop and he sighs, "I know. And I will, soon."

I smirk, satisfied. "Now, let's go get you whatever you need."

Fire Extinguished (Flaming Desire Book 1) A Katniss and Finnick FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now