Chapter 10

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Katniss POV

I feel the fresh breeze of air flow against my face and through my hair. Oh, the forest. I step out of the elevator and I look around and search the area. This forest hasn't been visited for years. Whatever was here before is long gone.

I pull Finnick along and we walk around. "Enjoying yourself?" he gives me a little smile.

I shake my head and for the first time since forever, it doesn't feel forced. Out here I feel free and safe. It doesn't feel like I'm apart of a world that involves the Captial or Games.

He grins a little and I give a small smile back. I'm guessing the feeling is mutual.

I stop suddenly and turn to him. "Let's run." I start to feel the adrenaline to build up in my body and I start to feel jumpy.

"Okay," he says sounding skeptical, "Where to?"

"The tree," I say with a tilt of my lips. The familiarity crawls up on me.

Finnick smiles. "What does the winner get?" He gives me a mischievous smirk.

I raise my eyebrows. "The winner," he states as if its obvious, "Whoever gets there first. What do they get?"

I open my mouth ready to say something, but nothing comes to mind. "We'll decide once someone wins then." His smile sets me on edge.

"Alright," I say skeptically.

"Deal?" He sticks out his hand.

"Deal." We shake hands.




And we're off. Through the plants, rocketing through the air. Once he gets slightly ahead of me, adrenaline in me begins to pump.

We're almost to the tree and he's still ahead of me. I need to be first. I need to.

But I'm not. He reaches the tree before me.

Not knowing that he was going to turn around instead of stepping to the side, I crash into him and we roll down a hill that elevates the tree.

Finnick grabs a hold of me and laughs. "Hold on!" He yells. Before we roll I see glances of red on the other side of the tree.

We lock on to each other. My arms latched around his neck. His arms locked around my waist and we roll. Really, really fast.

His laughter and my screams fill the forest, until eventually it turns only to laughter.

We slow down a bit until we reach a complete stop. I glance up to find Finnick's face laced with happiness.

"What?" He smiles back at me.

"You laugh. I haven't heard it in a while. Same with your smile. You it more often please."

"Same with you," he whispers. "It suits you."

We are so close. We've lessen our breathing. The golden flecks in his sea green eyes remind me of the shooting stars I used to make wishes on.

When the wind blows and smacks a leaf against my face, the moment is done. Finnick laughs and I smile. He rolls off me until we're both on our back and staring at the sky.

"Get up," Finnick says quickly. At first I think it is danger, but when I follow his line of sight, I see a beautiful lake. Perfect for swimming.

"Get up and follow me!" He commands.

"Why?" I say with attitude.

"I won the race, so know you'll do what I say," he smirks.

"Alright, what do you want then?"

"You are going to play a game in the pond with me."

"Excuse me?"

"You will answer all my questions truthfully while in the pool." He states.

"That's what you want? Why?" I say confused.

"You say you're an open book. You said people knew all your secrets before you did. But I think you still have secrets worth my time and right now Girl on Fire, you're stuck in your little girl dress," he says in the same seductive voice when I first met him.

Finnick Odair, the Capital Heartthrob, is back.

Fire Extinguished (Flaming Desire Book 1) A Katniss and Finnick FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now