Chapter 14

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Finnick POV

"What was Mags to you?" Katniss asks.

"Who said it was your turn?" I question her.

"I did. Now answer my question."

"Family, a sort of motherly-mentor figure. My parents just saw me winning as an honor while Mags was the only one who understood my fear of twenty-four kids and only one coming out alive."

"What about your parents?" Her voice goes gentle.

I chuckle bitterly. "I don't know if I can even call them parents. They did nothing really. They were just sort of there, kind of similar to your mother. I just always wondered what it would be like if they payed attention to me or cared. Too late for that now, they're probably dead."

I always wondered what it would be like to ask them if they loved me and what it would feel like if they did. I wonder what it would've felt like to have that bond and connection families normally have.

Katniss had that bond. She probably didn't think so, but she doesn't see the grief in her own eyes.

I slowly begin to feel her hand creep up on mine, holding it softly.

"Talk to me about Annie," her voice quiet.

I take in a deep breath laying my head on her shoulder.

"She was just like any other tribute, until I saw that she wasn't. She was so accepting of it, so prepared for her death and that drew me to her. That feeling, it made me want to keep her alive so I tried my best to and when she actually did I wasn't expecting for that to happen to her. I took care of her yes, but every time I look at her it's like a reminder of what happened, because of me keeping her alive. I still blame myself for what I did. It's like this never ending regret of what I did."

Fire Extinguished (Flaming Desire Book 1) A Katniss and Finnick FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now