Chapter 8

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Katniss POV

I pump his heart. I slap him. I try to breathe air into him. I try everything I know, but nothing helps. I repeat everything multiple times thinking it's got to work eventually. It's when I'm trying to breathe into him that he jerks up bringing me forward with him. My lips freeze on his, but quickly they are torn apart. 

His hands are on my shoulders and his nose is touching mine. His sea green eyes are all I see. 

"Finnick," I whisper.

When I wrap my arms around him, he doesn't respond at first, but then hugs me back running his finger through my hair in the process. "What happened ?" He murmurs into my hair.

"You stopped breathing. I panicked. Did everything that popped into my head. Then all of sudden you jerked up."

"And accidentally," he doesn't finish. "Sorry," he mumbles.

"It's fine. All that matters it that your still alive."

"For now," he says.

"Don't say that," I spit harshly, "Don't you ever dare say that again."

"Alright. As long as you promise me to stop mopping around. You're our Mockingjay, yet you walk around like a lost dog. You are the Girl on Fire. Where is your fire?"

"It's gone. It burned out." I whisper.

He pulls me back and says, "Then we're going to have to build it up again, aren't we?" He gives me one of his smiles.

He stands up, but then stops at the door at looks back at me. "You coming or what?"

I stand up and follow, not knowing where we're headed. It's not until my curiosity gets the best of me, when I ask, "Where are we going?"

"Haymitch. Plutarch," he states simply. I nod and we just keep on walking.

We hear rushed, panicked talking coming from the control room. We give each other looks before we quicken our pace. As we're walking, the hovercraft tilts and moves side to side throwing us out of balance.

It moves left. I crash into Finnick. It moves right and Finnick crashes into me, slamming me against the wall. His hands are above me and they are locking me against the wall. I am surrounded by Finnick. I look up and raise an eyebrow.

He answers my questioning eyes by saying, "Hold on. Plant your feet and try not to move until it's clear." He keeps us from bouncing around the hovercraft.

After a while, the hovercraft stops moving and we race to the control room. We run through the doors right when the hovercraft jerks to the left. Us being in motion, we ended up being thrown across the room and into chairs.

Haymitch walks over to us and roughly pulls us up. "You two will shut up and do what we tell you. This is not time for arguing," As he says this, he looks directly at me. Although he indicated to both of us, he talks to me.

Plutarch is at a panel, talking to someone and controlling the hovercraft at the same time. He pushed a button and before I know it I'm sliding to the other side. Luckily, Finnick gets a hold of my arm and holds me still in front of him.

I look back to thank him, but when I do his face is sketched with a mix of emotions.  "What's wrong Finnick?" I whisper. Plutarch somehow hearing me, gestures to Haymitch to explain.

Haymtich stands in front of us, looking frustrated. He runs his hand through his already tangled hair and says, "We were headed to District 13, until we got a message. We got orders to stay put. We were stupid, didn't listen until we found out Capital is attack District 13 and we've got to turn around. That's why Plutarch is steering us away right now, to keep all of us safe. They know we have you and are trying to capture the both of you. Might want to get comfortable. We'll be stuck here for a while."

"Why are they attacking the whole population just for us? They've already done enough!" Fury fills my veins.

Plutarch fills us in. "Because you're worth something to them. Getting Katniss means killing hope for the rebels. If you haven't caught onto the message yet, you're our only chance. You're the strength, hope, face of this rebellion. You are the rebellion."

Fire Extinguished (Flaming Desire Book 1) A Katniss and Finnick FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now