Chapter 11

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Katniss POV

"What are you waiting for? Get in," he says with a mischievous look in his eye.

I purse my lips together and say, "Okay, I will if you get in first."

He narrows his eyes in suspicion. "Fine, but you can't break the deal. Remember that."

He dives in perfectly. It is so graceful. When he jumps into the water, he doesn't emerge. Moments have passed and there are still no signs of Finnick.

"Finnick," I say, " C'mon stop hiding and get up."

I wait a few seconds for him to come out but he doesn't. "Finnick!" I yell out.

I don't know where he is. It's been minutes since he has entered and no one, not even Finnick can hold their breath that long. I dive into the water and search for him. I look above and underneath the water level, but he still isn't anywhere. 

I notice a cave connected to the water. I swim my way over and crawl upward out of the water. I wrap my arms around myself 

"Cold?" says a deep voice that rattles my already shaken bones.

He surrounds me before I can reply. My back against him, his legs around me, hands intertwined with mine. I can't say I mind the extra warmth.

"Ready?" He breathes is against my ear.

"Yes," I say with no idea of what I'm getting into.

"First question,-"

"Wait," I interrupt, "how many questions are you going to ask?"

"As many as I want. Remember, I won," he chuckles in glory.

"Fine." I roll my eyes.

"What's your favorite color?"

"My favorite color?"

"Yes, just answer it. Think of my little game as a way to get to know you better."


"What is your favorite kind of flower?"


"What is your favorite and least favorite dress that Cinna made you?"

Cinna. I try to not sound affected by that name. "The Mockingjay one for both."

"Why? You can't keep giving me short, curt answers."

"It represented me, but at the same time led to all this mess." He squeezes sympathetically.

"Did you love Peeta from the beginning?"


"Again with the short answers," he sighs, annoyed, "When Peeta confessed his love for you in the interviews, that wasn't planned right?"

"No, that was all him. I actually got really mad afterwards and I tried to strangle him when we went back to the penthouse," I laugh sadly.

"What did you think of me when we first met? Remember, be honest."

"Well, you were very close. You made me uncomfortable, especially because of what you were wearing. When you licked your lips, it disgusted me. And yeah."

"Close like this?" I turn to see what he means, then I realize we are back to the same position we were, before the chariot rides. Almost kissing.

"Yes," I whisper, "Close like this and I could see your eyes. Sea green with flecks of gold in them."

A strand of hair falls down and Finnick reaches for it and brushes it back behind my ear.

He smiles mischievously. "Now it's time for the fun part."

Fire Extinguished (Flaming Desire Book 1) A Katniss and Finnick FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now