Chapter 1

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Katniss POV

"Where's Peeta?" I scream.

I don't know where I am. I'm in a hovercraft or airplane thing and that's all I know. Haymitch, Finnick, and Plutarch are here with me.

"Katniss, please calm down," Haymitch gently touches my arm.

"Where's Peeta? Just tell me!" I repeat. I woke up in the back and when I walked to the door, I heard them whispering. They were talking about something. It sounded like they were talking about Peeta and District 12. They stay silent.

I grab a syringe and hold it tight like a knife.

"Haymitch, I swear to god. Just tell me," I threaten with a darker expression.

"Would you guys just tell her already! She deserves to know!" Finnick screams.

"If I deserve to know, why don't you just tell me Finnick?" I scream back at him. I don't know what has gotten into me. Hysteria runs through my body.

"Haymitch, please," Finnick pleads with him.

"Katniss," says Plutarch with a calm voice, "since the last Hunger Games things have changed. There is a rebellion going on. A war."

I cringe at the mentioning a war. I remember the talk I had with the President. The feeling and chills he gave me. The way he threatened me.

"When I was promoted to Gamemaker, the rebellion knew we had a chance," he continues.

"A chance for what?" I interrupt.

"To change. To break out. Katniss, you showed everyone that we had a chance to break the Capital's rule. You gave everyone hope."

Hope. Prim. Memories of her flash through my head.

"That still doesn't answer my question about Peeta," I state impatiently.

"So when the Quarter Quell arrived, victors were chosen to return," he continues as if I never said anything, "you returning to the arena gave us a chance to get you out of there. Out of Panem. Out of the clutches of the Capital.

"We had everything planned out. We had victors, experienced ones willing to protect you. The only problem was you. You were unwilling to trust anyone, but the victors that had no training combat. So we came up with a different plan. We tried to make a common goal between you and other skilled victors. Peeta.

"We knew if having skilled victors, reliable ones by your side, you would at least let them live and stay by your side to protect you and Peeta. We also knew that, even though they would protect Peeta, there would be a chance that you still wouldn't trust them. So, we gave them a token or some quest to complete to gain their trust. Finnick got Haymyich's bracelet and since you wanted Mags as an ally you would have to keep Finnick around, so that made it a little easier. Johanna made it a little difficult. We knew that you didn't trust her at all, so we gave her a little quest. Since you wanted Beetee and Wiress as allies we made Haymtich tell Johanna that she had to bring Beetee and Wiress to you so she could gain your trust. Johanna, of course agreed, because you all had to unite in order for our plan to work.

"From there Johanna, Finnick, Mags, Beetee, and Wiress did everything to keep you and Peeta safe, because we knew you would not go on without him. Other victors were helping too, but in their own ways. Just like the morphling sacrificed herself for Peeta."

Getting caught up in Plutarch's explanation I forget about Peeta for a while. The curiosity in me tickles.

"But why? Why would anyone sacrifice themselves for me? I understand why they would for Peeta, but why me?"

"Katniss," Plutarch says, "don't you get it? You are the reason for everything. For the rebellion. You are our mockingjay. And to keep you going we had to keep Peeta alive."

"If I'm your mocking jay, why did Johanna cut my arm open?" I mutter, frustrated.

"To get the tracker out," replies Plutarch calmly.

"So. Where. Is. Peeta?" I ask for the last time, frustrated.

"The only survivors of the 75th Hunger Games are you and Finnick," says Haymitch. "Peeta is dead."

My vision goes red. Something within my stomach clenches and my heart drops.

"You lied to me!" I scream. "You told me you would do anything to keep him safe!" I grab hold of the syringe and and aim towards Haymyich's neck. "You liar!"

"Someone put her to sleep!" yells Haymitch.

Before the syringe enters Haymitch's neck, I recognize Finnick's arms wrap around me and hold me back.

"Please calm down Katniss," he whispers into my ear.

I start screaming, but then I start sobbing hysterically.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt," says Plutarch before plunging a syringe into my neck and making my world black.

Hi! This is my first Hunger Games Fan Fic. This is a Finnick and Katniss fanfic. Nice feedback please :) Sorry if there are any mistakes.

Fire Extinguished (Flaming Desire Book 1) A Katniss and Finnick FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now