Chapter 16

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Finnick POV

"Why, how right you are," I smirk at her, "but are you sure you know what you're getting into? It is my game after all." I give her a dark smile before pushing her hair away and brush my lips against her neck.

She laughs humorlessly and puts her hand against my chest to push me back. "Well then, I guess we'll just have to make it my game won't we?"

I roll my neck around laughing in the process. "Hasn't anyone ever told you not to play other people's games?"

She gives me a sarcastic smile. "Yes they have, but I don't like losing anyhow."

"Even when they told you, you'd never win?" I reach my hand out and trace her chin down to her neckline. Goosebumps rise. "Goosebumps this early isn't a good sign Katniss. You'll never last," I chuckle, challengingly.

She slides her hand down. "And who said you would?" She glares at me annoyed. 

"Don't play with a fire you can't handle Katniss," I suck in a breath of air.

"Haven't you heard?" She says sarcastically. "I'm the Girl on Fire," she chuckles humorlessly.

And in that exact moment, it starts to rain. I move her hand out of the way and place myself next to her ear. "Would you look at that? It seems your fire has been put out," I joke.

She pushes me off and glares. "Very funny," she comments.

"Why yes it is," I smirk. I let the humor of the moment flow in and drown my thoughts of sadness. Pretending to be the person I was at the Capitol helped more than I thought it would. Fake it till you make it I guess.

The rain comes down fast, soaking us within minutes and drowning out any other sounds. 

"Probably time to go," I scream.

"You don't say," she remarks.

"Stay here until I call for you," I say before jumping down. "Jump!"

I try to catch her as she jumps down, but only succeed in breaking her fall. "Got everything?" I ask. When she nods her head I throw her on my back and run towards the hovercraft.

"Finnick!" She yells in frustration.

As I run into the entrance, she immediately jumps off and says, "What was that for? I could've completely ran just fine!"

"You wouldn't have been able to handle it. You couldn't even handle me when we were up in the tree," I joke.

"I could've handled the rain and I did handle you!" She shoots back.

I push her against the wall and smirk. "Really? I don't believe you."

She grunts and attempts to push away my arms, but I end up sliding them down to her waist and around. I hear her intake of air and something inside me tingles. Her arms are out, but slowly and cautiously place themselves around me.

"You two share room. How much more space can you need?"

Haymitch watches us curiously from the hallway.

Fire Extinguished (Flaming Desire Book 1) A Katniss and Finnick FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now