Chapter 6

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Katniss POV

The video begins. It shows District Twelve. At first, I think I am watching the wrong video until I realized they put all the deaths into one broadcast. Before it starts, I realize I am not ready for this, but it is too late, the bombings have already begun. I see houses collapsing. Burning. I see people dying. They show them in pain. Bleeding. Dying.

I don't want to watch it, but I can't move. I am frozen. A voice speaks overhead. Its Snow. It's clearness startles me.

"This is the bombing of District Twelve. This is the home of The Girl On Fire. You all think she is a hero. You are wrong. Look at her home. Her district. It is under attack. And where is she? She's hiding. She is a coward. Miss Everdeen may know how to play the games, but those were games. She plays by tricks. Her tricks won't work anymore. Not in war. Take this as a warning. Your Mockingjay may give you hope. But where is she when the real games begin?"

The video continues with the bombings. Then it goes black. I think it is over, but I am far from right. The screen them shows my mother, Prim, and Gale. They are in my old house. My real home. I think that it is only a picture, but then bombs drop. Everything collapses. Next thing I know, I see my mother burned to death. She is unrecognizable. To the sides of her, I see Prim and Gale bleeding to death. I want to see their faces, but all I see is red.

Snow speaks again, "This is the result of Miss Everdeen's rebellion. Where is she when her family is dying? She not there at all. How can you count on her to save you, to lead the rebellion, when she can't even save her own family in her own home?"

It shows more bombings of District Twelve. With each bomb dropping, each family dying, and homes exploding, I feel my heart ache and pieces of it falling apart. I no longer have a home. I no longer have a family. I know that now. Snow has made it more that clear.

Finally, it moves on. The video is now somewhere on a Capitol stage. The victors are lined up. Snow is the one with the gun. They are not moving. I see them get shot one by one. Even though I don't know them, with each death, I feel my heart pulling. The one that gets me is Annie's death. It reminds me of Finnick. I wonder if he's saw this video yet. Annie is crying. Her eyes are filled with pain and anguish, but something else captures my eye. Love. The love in her eyes before they shoot her. All I know is that, in that last moment, she felt her love for Finnick. I choke out a scream when I hear that gun shoot. All I know, is that Finnick will no longer get to see his love. And neither will she.

After all the victors have been shot, there are pools of blood by President Snow's feet. His white leather shoes have now been stained red. He has this glint in his eye that indicates that he has no mercy for anyone.

Next up is Johanna. I never really trusted her, but after hearing the truth about everything, I feel that she is a part of me. She got me out of the arena. She protected Peeta. She was the one who got Wiress and Beetee to me. In a way I will never understand, she will always be a part of me.

They start to torture her. They pull out her teeth. They slice her arms open. They shave her head. The whole time she is screaming, until she looks into the camera. She is looking straight into it and it feels like she is staring at me. In a way I think she was when this was broadcasted. I look straight into her eyes and for the first time I see her. I see the real Johanna. The girl the games manipulated. The one who hates the Capitol, but is not afraid to put up a fight. I see the brave girl who is scared and scarred.

Fire Extinguished (Flaming Desire Book 1) A Katniss and Finnick FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now