Chapter 7

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Katniss POV

One minute I see a frightened young boy, but the next I see Finnick. The cocky, arrogant, over-confident man I know.

There is something in him that I haven't seen in a while. He has his usual grin back on and he has a mischievous glint in his eye that makes me shiver. I don't notice our proximity until he says something and I feel his breath on my lips.

"Couldn't help but strip my blankets off, could you?" He smirks. "I knew you couldn't resist me ever since I offered you sugar cubes. I remember what I was wearing and I know that you remember too. And as much as you would want to have me as your hubby, I'm afraid we don't really have that much privacy here. If you want you could wait till we get to District Thirteen." He smiles seductively.

My mouth drops open. My cheeks go on fire, because of embarrassment. Of course I remember what he wore for the chariot rides. Who could forget? He scarred our memories. 

He bursts out laughing. I'm about to hit him, but he notices the movement in my body and grabs my wrist before my hand makes contact with his face.

"Relax Katniss," he laughs.

"Not funny," I huff.

"Just a little bit," he jokes right before he starts to shiver violently.

"Finnick!" I grab the bowl of water and the towel. I lay him down and place a wet towel on his forehead. I see that he is wearing a sweatshirt and I know he has to take it off.

"Finnick, you're going to have to take that sweatshirt off. I think you have a fever and usually you're suppose to get rid of extra warmth. I think." He nods and I help him take off the sweatshirt. He is wearing nothing underneath.

"Should I call Haymitch or Plutarch? I don't know!" My mind starts to scramble and I don't know what else to say.

"No, I'm fine," he whispers weakly.

I stay there by his side and refresh his towel every now and then. I sit on the bed beside him and stay there throughout the whole night. I'm still awake, caring for him even when he falls asleep. He took care of me, so I repay the favor. I owe him. I will never stop owing Finnick Odair.

I look at him. He is mesmerizing. He doesn't look like a handsome, arrogant, cocky man. Not right now. He looks years younger and relaxed.Right now, he is a man without a worry in the world, one that isn't in war. Not a man who had his loved ones killed, but happy, careless, free. He doesn't look like he belongs in this world. Not a world full of war, death, and fear.

Suddenly, Finnick starts to shake, but different from before. He's shaking from anguish. Tears start to trail down his face and the only thing I think to do is hold his hand. Holding his hand doesn't do anything, so I use my energy to lift his head into my lap.

He calms down a bit and I am grateful for that. Somehow, it hurts to see him in pain. I guess it's because he is one of the very few people I have left and I'm scared for them. I'm scared for him. I'm scared of the danger and death that comes with me.

He starts to whimper loudly until I realize he's not whimpering, but whispering. I put my ear close to his lips to hear what he's saying, but I still can't hear. I move so close that he is practically whispering against my ear.

"Annie. Mags. Please don't go." He repeats that over and over. Underneath his brave and fearless personality, Finnick is hurting. The memories of Mags and Annie are still fresh in Finnick's mind.

When he starts to gasp for air, I shake him to wake him up. 


 He doesn't respond.

"Finnick," I say louder.

It the third time I say his name when I realize something.

Finnick isn't breathing.

Fire Extinguished (Flaming Desire Book 1) A Katniss and Finnick FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now