Chapter 25

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Katniss POV

We stared at each other, willing each other to speak. I wanted to stay silent, but I was scared that I would be too stubborn for that. I had to say something, but I didn't know what to say.

I didn't know if I love him. I either love him or Peeta. But somedays I feel I love them both.

Finnick POV

"We can't just stand here all day," I say with a frustrated sigh.

"So what do you suggest we do? Because right now, I don't know and by the looks of it, you don't either," Katniss snaps. I stare at her for a moment more, before walking away to the pond. I need to take a breath, just for a few moments.

"Sure, just walk away!" she exclaims after me.

"I just need to clear my head, you should too," I say little bit harsher than I intended. She lets out a long breath and I hear her footsteps fade away. I watch her walk away, hoping she doesn't turn back to catch me.

I take a dip in the pond and wonder. I wonder about her and if I actually love her or if she is just a new thing to draw away my pain. She's much younger and with my history, it might not be the best combination. Would she still look at me if she found out?

I float atop the pond until I hear it. I don't hesitate to run after it.

Katniss POV

I'm frustrated as well as confused. As frustrating and stupid this fight is, it also makes me wonder what to do. We were never close before and now we are, but I have no idea of the boundaries between us and what lines we can pass. 

I follow the path to the tree me and Finnick once raced too. Something is different. I hover in my spot for a moment before I walk around. Red blinds my vision and my scream cuts through the silence of the woods. 

Fire Extinguished (Flaming Desire Book 1) A Katniss and Finnick FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now