Chapter 20

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Katniss POV

I wake up to find Finnick looking down on me. Our beds seem to be a little bit closer than I last remember. 

He smirks at me when I look up at him questionably. "You don't scowl when you sleep," he comments.

I roll my eyes and get up. I start to walk to the washroom, but then pause and say quietly, "Thank you," and I continue walking knowing he does not need me to explain. 

Finnick POV

I walk down the hallway with Katniss following me. I don't know what I feel for her anymore. I don't know if she is a friend for me or if she has crossed the line. Well, on my part anyway. I don't know if I like her or if its just because she is there for me. I don't know. I might just be because she reminds me of Annie, but no matter what it is, it has to stop. I know she is the Mockingjay. I know she has to keep up her love with Peeta. It won't be me.

I enter the control room, but before I enter completely I turn around to face Katniss and say quietly, "I can do this on my own."

She nods and steps back to the hallway and goes to sit against the wall.

"You don-" I start, but she cuts me off.

"It's fine," she says kindly. I sigh and enter the room with the door closing behind me.

I sit down and start the video.

Fire Extinguished (Flaming Desire Book 1) A Katniss and Finnick FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now