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Ninjago was my childhood so I put a reference in this chapter somewhere, see if you can find it


Cannibal giants were not the ideal way to end the last day of school, but whatever. Just another day in the pitiful life of Percy Jackson.

The school year had gone surprisingly uneventfully. There were no monster attacks or anything.

There was also no contact from... anyone, really. Annabeth, Gem, Ren, and Grian had promised to stay in touch, but other than a few quick words (something about the moon being big) the Hermits had gone silent. Annabeth hadn't written to him at all. And Grover was off searching for Pan. At least goat boy had an excuse.

It wasn't like Percy was alone, though. He still had Tyson, his friend from Meriwether Prep.

Tyson was tall and quite intimidating, but you wouldn't think that if you knew him. He cried pretty easily and had a strange obsession with peanut butter. His face was hard to look at, because it wasn't the prettiest. He talked a little bit differently than the other kids.

He was the main reason Percy wasn't popular. Percy wasn't bitter about it, though. He had spent his whole life with almost no friends. He didn't want to put that on Tyson too.

But enough with that. What was he thinking about again? Right. Cannibals.

That was where he was now.

Percy dodged another flaming cannonball. This dodgeball game had gotten a little bit out of hand.

He reached for his magic pen, but of course, his gym shorts didn't have pockets. Just his luck, Riptide was back in the locker room.

Instead, Percy was left with no defense whatsoever, and looking like a hippie in his tie-dye gym uniform. Great. Just great.

A little bit of explanation about the giants - they had seemed like visitors from another school. They had immediately made friends with Matt Sloan, the school bully. They had teamed up for a game of dodgeball. But then they had turned into giants and started throwing fire everywhere.

Long story short, it was a not a good day.

Percy ran at Tyson to push him out of the way of a fireball, but he wasn't fast enough. Percy squeezed his eyes shut, not wanting to watch what he knew was going to happen.

But there was no explosion. No scream.

Percy opened his eyes.

Tyson was holding the deadly dodgeball as if it were an ordinary foam ball that they usually used. "No!" he yelled. "You guys are not nice!"

He threw the ball back at the giant who had thrown it.

The cannibal dissolved into dust.

Percy stared at Tyson with wide eyes. "How did you-"

And then the last cannibal suddenly exploded into dust as well. Behind him, her hat fluttering off of her head, was Annabeth.

"Hey, Seaweed Brain," she said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Wait... you're-" Matt Sloan said.

It was a long story. The short version was that he saw a picture of Annabeth in Percy's notebook.

"Shut up, I wasn't talking to you," Annabeth snapped at him.

Matt glanced at the P.E. teacher, who had finally looked up from his book.

The teacher stared around at the massive hole in the wall, the terrified students, and the random piles of dust on the floor. "What the heck happened?"

Matt pointed at Percy. "It was him!"

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