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Well... Grian, Bdubs, Percy, Annabeth, and Tyson were idiots, but there was nothing Zedaph could do about that.

There was something he could do, however, about Ren going with Clarisse on that quest.

He already had a plan. He just needed Tango and Gem's help. He wasn't about to do this on his own.

Clarisse used a trick she had learned seemingly overnight to summon a ship full of undead soldiers just off the coast. A lifeboat came to pick the two children of Ares up, and then rowed away with a skeleton. Ren looked back and waved.

For a minute, Zedaph had second thoughts. Ren looked like riding on a ghost ship on a deadly quest was all he ever wanted.

Was last summer not enough?

For reasons unknown, apparently not.

Zedaph took off his backpack and reached a hand inside, feeling the cloth and frames made of an unknown material. Thank goodness it fit inside the backpack.

As soon as the campers who had assembled to see them off (mostly Ares campers, and Zedaph was the only Athena kid there) started to scatter and go to their activities, Zedaph took out an elytra and handed it to Tango, and then another one to Gem.

"What-" Tango started.

"Shh," Zedaph said. "We're going to land on that ship and hide in the cargo hold, if there is one. Otherwise, we'll find a room that doesn't look like it's occupied and stay there."

"What?" Gem stammered.

Zedaph handed them each some rockets. "We all know that Ares kids aren't the smartest. They're going to get themselves killed."

"WHAT IS GOING ON?" Tango demanded.

"Look, do you want to stay here with Tantalus?"

They fell silent.

"No," Gem said.

"Well, I liked the chariot race-" Tango started.

"No, you didn't," Zedaph said, and shoved more rockets at him.

"I did though-" Tango protested.

"He's trying to ignore our opinions, but it's okay," Gem said to him. "We can go."

Zedaph laughed at Gem's brutal honesty. "Look, Tango, you don't have to come if you don't want to, but it'll certainly be easier with you there."

"Ehm, you know what, I never liked Tantalus himself..." Tango said.

"Good," Zedaph said. "Now for the other things we need.

"Okay," Gem sighed. "Did anyone bring a brewing stand?"

"Why would we want a brewing stand?" Tango asked.

"For brewing, silly," Gem said, rolling her eyes. "This would be a lot easier with invisibility potions."

"True," Zedaph said, and pulled a large plastic bag out of his backpack.

Gem and Tango leaned in to see what was inside.

Inside, there was a brewing stand, a few golden carrots, and several small containers holding nether wart, fermented spider eyes, and blaze powder.

Tango raised an eyebrow. "Anything else in the bag that could be useful, Mary Poppins?"

"Just some golden apples, ambrosia, and nectar," Zedaph said, ignoring the Mary Poppins comment. "I was thinking we could try and mix god food and Minecraft food and make ultimate healing stuff."

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