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It recently came to my attention that someone is stealing my works and and posting them on TeenFic, which I had never heard of before I googled my own username (for kicks and giggles) and found out.

So I have readers on TeenFic now! Hello, readers on TeenFic. How are you all doing? You might not see this, but it's worth a shot. I hope you are aware that this is stolen and the original is on Wattpad and Wattpad only. If you are not aware and you do not approve, congratulations, you are a decent person. Wattpad is free! If you do know that this is stolen and you are completely fine with it, good for you! Again, Wattpad is free. Come read it for real. Luckily, I am writing this book for the fun of it, so I am nothing more than quite annoyed and a little flattered that someone thought my work was good enough to steal.

Goodbye, readers on TeenFic! Now I'm going to go back to people who are reading this in its perfect original form that is not stolen.

Hello, readers on Wattpad! I don't really think I can do anything about this problem so I am going to carry on with the story!

(...I'm WORKING ON IT, okay? I've just also been getting kidnapped by mooshrooms in roleplay. I'm a busy person! /j)


"WAIT!" Percy yelled as Grover cut the last line.

Bdubs had noticed it at the same moment the son of Posideon did: a small animal jumping from plank to plank along the bridge, desperately trying to get to the edge before the bridge fell.

And then it did.

Bdubs could do nothing but watch as his friend tumbled into the ravine.

"REN!" he screamed, rushing to the edge, but the guinea pig was nowhere in sight.

Grover looked horrified. "I killed a guinea pig..." he gasped.

And for about two seconds, they were all silent, in shock at the accident that had killed Rendog.

"HAHA!" Polyphemus yelled. "FAILED! NOBODY FAILED!"

Bdubs backed away from the edge of the cliff, not because he wanted to but because he was an easy target there.

Percy uncapped Riptide.

Without saying a word, he lunged and stabbed Polyphemus in the stomach. The monster doubled over and made an "Uhhhhhnnnnnnngh" sound. Percy took the opportunity and before Bdubs really registered what was happening, the Cyclops was flat on his back with tears in his half-blood eye.

"Only trying to protect my sheepies!" He moaned.

"Percy, kill him please," Clarisse said.

"Only trying to protect my friends," Percy growled.

Holy cow, this guy was scary when he wanted to be.

"We just want the Fleece," Percy said. "Then we'll be on our way."

"Take it!" Polyphemus wailed. "Take it and leave me in sadness!"

"You idiot," Clarisse said.

Bdubs wasn't sure whether she was talking to Percy or Polyphemus but he agreed with her.

Percy stepped away from the Cyclops.


"He's a son of Posideon, just like me," Percy said.

"Percy, this isn't Tyson," Clarisse said.

But Percy still turned away from the Cyclops. "Let's just get the Fleece and get out of here," he said. "Before we lose anyone else."

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