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Percy immediately stabbed Oreius, who exploded into dust with a poof.

That did not go over well with Agrius.

Luke was also not thrilled.

Bdubs was, though. "YEAH! KILL 'EM, PERCY!"

It just occurred to me that Bdubs and Coach Hedge would either be best friends or kill each other... Welp. More ideas for the hoo series that I probably won't do-

Annabeth grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the stateroom.

Percy, Grian, and Tyson followed after Grian threw a slice of pizza at his half brother. Which probably would have happened even if Luke wasn't trying to kill them.

Luke wiped sauce off his face and yelled, "HEY!"

Out in the hall were a bunch of assorted monsters, waiting around like it was Black Friday and demigods were on sale for quarter price, but the store hadn't opened yet.

Annabeth pulled out her dagger. Percy uncapped Riptide. Grian and Bdubs took out swords, and then they all attacked.

None of the monsters were wearing armor or anything. They were easy to cut through.

"Where are we going?" Tyson asked, half yelping as he ducked under a spear that was headed his way.

"Lifeboats!" Annabeth said, even though she didn't know where they were. But she led the way anyway.

Bdubs screamed from somewhere off to her right, but it was more of a startled scream than a help me I'm dying scream.

Annabeth stabbed the monster in her path and glanced back, but they all seemed fine. Even Tyson was swatting monsters like flies and yelling, "BAD!" every time he got one.

Annabeth ran over their powers in her head, but none of them would be able to do anything except Bdubs and Percy.

Right as she thought that, the plumbing exploded.

A bunch of monsters who apparently weren't waterproof were reduced to powder. The rest of them were just slightly wetter and angrier.

"That didn't work," Percy mumbled. "Run!"

And so they did. But it wasn't long before they found more enemies blocking their path.

But these ones couldn't be killed with a sword.

Well, technically they could, but Annabeth didn't want to kill them.

Most of them were half-bloods. Some of them, she even recognized.

But from the looks on their faces, they didn't really want to kill Annabeth either.

She signaled for the rest of the unregistered questers not to attack. Trusting them to watch her back, she started talking.

"Do you seriously think you're safe here?" Annabeth asked. "As soon as they're done with you, they're going to kl you. The only thing keeping them -" she gestured to the monsters behind her "-is the fact that they need you."

"It's not the time for an interview," an enemy half-blood said, brandishing her sword, but a few of her comrades looked  unsteady.

"What's wrong with camp? What's wrong with Chiron?"

"Nothing," another kid said. "Nothing's wrong with camp. Except for the crowded Hermes cabin. When you don't show that you're special, they stick you in the default cabin and leave you there to rot."

"Well, true," Annabeth joined in. "But it's not that, is it?"

"They ignore us," another girl said. "Minor gods get no recognition. So we get no recognition. No glory."

"Well," Grian said thoughtfully. "When you're in the Hermes cabin, you get to prank people."

"Helpful," Annabeth muttered sarcastically to him. "You can't possibly think you'll get a better deal from monsters and traitors."

"You have no idea what's coming," an older demigod said. "If Luke's a traitor... then I guess we are too."

"OUTTA THE WAY!" Bdubs yelled at the top of his lungs, as Tyson barreled in between the half-bloods like he was playing Red Rover.

Well, that was convenient.

The unregistered questers pushed past the demigods and kept running.

Annabeth didn't know how long it was before they finally found the lifeboats. But it was long enough for them all to be panting.

"Everyone in!" Percy yelled, and they all got in despite having no idea what they were doing.

"Everyone here?" Percy said. "Good!"

He slashed the cords holding the lifeboat up, and they plummeted to the water below as they all silently prayed to various gods that they wouldn't die.

"Something's off!" Annabeth yelled after about half a second.

Because out of the five people that should have been on board...

One was missing.

Grian was missing.

Camp Hermit-Blood - The Sea of MonstersWhere stories live. Discover now