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There were no windows.

That was the first thing Grian noticed in his new prison cell/luxury cruise bedroom.

And no windows meant the only way out was the door, which was locked and guarded, from what he heard.

Nobody had really bothered him since he was brought here. They left him alone in his misery at being abandoned.

He knew it was an accident. He had seen the boat veer back. But then Annabeth, Percy, and Bdubs turned away again and sped off into the distance without looking back again.

Grian wasn't mad.

Despite Annabeth's warning not to eat anything the other night, Grian eventually got hungry - eventually meaning after about an hour. Nothing really happened. If it was poisoned, it was sure taking a while.

On a separate note, Grian really wanted to blow something up.

Unfortunately, he didn't have any explosives.

While looking around the room, he didn't find anything that seemed to be useful. Maybe he could break the wall down with the shower head.

No, that wouldn't work.

Ooh, maybe he could pick the lock with a toothpick and then beat up the guards, he still had his sword-

That was probably the best option. To get out of the room. Not off the ship.

It would be a lot harder to get off the ship.

Maybe Grian needed to wait for a while, until they docked.

But the thing was, he'd never know when they docked, because his room had no windows.

So they were back to the first problem.

Grian sighed and sat down on the incredibly comfortable bed that he hated, staring across the room at the lovely painting of a mountain river that he also hated.

Suddenly, for the first time since he was brought here, the door opened. Grian's dear brother the traitor walked in, accompanied by the bear dude that Percy hadn't killed - Agrius.

It made Grian feel a little better to know that Luke felt like he needed a bodyguard around Grian.

"Hey," Luke said, as if he hadn't thrown Grian into a nice room, locked the door, and forgotten about him two days ago.

Grian crossed his arms and glared, already planning an epic prank as revenge for saying hi.

"You really hate this, don't you?" Luke asked, looking amused.

Grian bit his tongue and kept from replying.

"It won't be much longer. We'll send you right back to them... if you help us steal the Fleece."

"You're an absolute fool if you think I'm going to accept that," Grian blurted.

Luke narrowed his eyes. "I forgot how easy you are to lose patience with."

"It is something I take great pride in," Grian said.

Luke sighed. "Look. We'll give it back to you right after we're done with it. And if you won't help us, we'll trade you for the Fleece. I know Percy would take that offer without a second thought."

"Percy's not the only one there."

"Has he ever been one to listen to reason?"

Grian didn't really know how to answer that. So instead, he demanded, "What are you going to use it for?"

"That's not your concern."

"It is if I'm going to help you steal it."

Luke took a deep breath. "I know you're good at stealing things. I know you've robbed a stock exchange."

Grian's eyes widened. "How did you know about that?"

"I'm not stupid," Luke growled.

"Annabeth's not either. And she had no idea until the end of last summer, when Percy told her."

"I have friends."

"What? Who's the traitor? Who are you brainwashing?"

"Nobody's a traitor. As far as I know, all the Hermits are completely loyal to each other."

"Then how..." Grian trailed off. Was there a hacker or something? Or maybe they were controlling the mobs. But Hades was controlling the mobs, or at least the undead ones...

"Creeper?" Grian said, not realizing he had thought out loud.

"Think about the offer," Luke said. "It's the only way you're getting out of here."

And then he and his teddy bear left Grian back in the silence of a nice bedroom with no windows.


Shorter chapter, but you got the gist of it


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