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I can now control the Mist. I did write the part where they made the portal. You just forgot about it because of my power.

(Okay maybe I am very much too dumb to write anything involving doc so I skipped it lol)


They stepped through the portal into an unfamiliar forest.

Then Tango realized that it was actually the forest at Camp Half-Blood.

"Well, that's convenient," Gem said, appearing out of thin air next to him. Grian, Zedaph, and Ren were close behind her.

"Where the heck did you come from?" A random dryad yelped.

"Another dimension," Grian said mysteriously, as if he was telling a ghost story. Except it was true.

The dryad rolled her eyes, muttered something about dramatic demigods, and poofed into green mist.

"Hopefully Mr. D doesn't kill us," Ren told everyone. Then they headed toward where they hoped camp was.

Instead, they found a cliff that seemed perfect to have a secret bunker behind, several rock formations, a very cranky dryad, and then finally the creek. They followed the stream back to the canoe lake.

"When did you get here?" Travis Stoll called immediately, then fell out of his canoe. A naiad giggled with her hand on the tipped watercraft.

"About an hour ago!" Grian yelled back when he surfaced.

"But, like- when?"

Grian stuck his tongue out at the son of Hermes as they went to the Big House to check in.

Chiron was not happy with them. "I specifically told you to stay there," he said.

"Well, there's problems there," Ren said.

"There's always problems there," Tango commented. "They usually start with G and end with N."

Grian grinned and swatted playfully at him.

"But this time is different," Gem added. "Hades somehow found out how to get into Hermitcraft, and now he's possessing mobs. It's only a matter of time before more dangerous monsters appeared, so we came here. This is the only safe place!"

Chiron looked mysteriously, as he often did, toward Half-Blood Hill and the tree that (according to Annabeth and Grover) was actually a dead person. Tango noticed that several demigods in armor stood near the spruce - no, pine - tree.

He had to start getting that right. Pine. Pine. PIIIIIIINE. Not spruce, pine.

One more for good measure. PIIIIIIIIIIIIIINEEEEE.

Gem would be proud at his amazing knowledge of various types of trees.

Of course, someone else would have been as well. Probably. No, never mind. They wouldn't have been able to remember either.

But it didn't really matter. After all, that someone was dead.

Way to bring the mood down. I know. I excel at that.

"Well," Chiron said. "It was the only safe place. You should have gotten the message telling you not to come."

"It couldn't stop us, because we can't read!" Grian announced.

"Then you should definitely learn," Chiron said, not smiling. "You weren't supposed to be here. But now that you are... train hard."

He picked up a brown suitcase and started to wheel out of the room.

Camp Hermit-Blood - The Sea of MonstersWhere stories live. Discover now