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Zedaph ran at the call. That was his half sister they were talking about. And maybe she hadn't won them no chores for a week, but he had forgiven her for that.

He ran out of his cabin. Assorted demigods, satyrs, and nymphs in pajamas had come out to investigate as well.

Zedaph knew Annabeth had left to go on guard duty right after the race had ended. What if something had happened?

He ran up Half-Blood Hill, and the rest of the Athena cabin followed. But, like the rest of the campers, he froze at the top.

The Golden Fleece was fine, just hanging out in a lower branch. Two girls were just underneath it, one laying on the ground, and one kneeling next to her.

The kneeling one looked up, and Zedaph realized it was Annabeth.

Somebody was yelling for ambrosia. Nobody went to get it. They were too stunned, at... the unconscious person.

Chiron came up the hill. "What's going- ohhh."

He fell silent as well.

"Nectar? Anyone?" Percy was the one speaking.

A dryad nodded. "I'll go get some," she said, and ran down the hill.

A few campers started whispering to each other. Zedaph asked Malcolm who it was. Malcolm shrugged. "I wasn't here," he said.

Well, I wasn't either! Zedaph thought, frustrated.

"What happened?" Someone demanded.

"The Golden Fleece has done its work too well," Chiron said in awe.

"My communicator's gone," Tango said to Zedaph. "The one I made last year."

Zedaph didn't have time to reply, because the dryad returned, and Percy took the canteen she brought. He sat down next to the girl on the ground, across from Annabeth, who was still staring in shock. He dribbled a little nectar into the girl's mouth.

Her eyes fluttered open.

"Hi," Percy said. "Uh-"

The girl sat up. "I have a headache," she announced.

"Congratulations," Grian said.

The other children of Hermes snickered.

Percy handed her the bottle of nectar. "Don't drink too much," he said. "What's your name?"

The girl looked thoughtful. "Thalia," she said. "I'm Thalia, daughter of Zeus."

"Wasn't that the girl who died?" Bdubs asked Zedaph.

Zedaph nodded. He had heard Annabeth talk about her.

The Golden Fleece has done its work too well.

Zedaph turned the words over in his mind. Thalia had been dead, or very nearly so, when Zeus turned her into a tree. How was this possible?

Annabeth stared at her. "You're dead," she said.

"Gee, thanks," Thalia said.
"You were a tree," Percy said dumbly.

"Was I?"

The campers all started asking questions at once.

"Everybody QUIET!" Chiron shouted.

The campers fell silent.

"Annabeth, help Thalia down to the Big House," he said.

Annabeth nodded and helped Thalia up.

"I can walk on my own," Thalia murmured, then promptly fell over.

"Obviously not," Annabeth said, and helped her up again. Thalia leaned heavily on the daughter of Athena as they headed down towards the yellow lights of the Big House.

The campers slowly disbanded and went back to bed. Zedaph still didn't really quite know who Thalia was, but she was a daughter of Zeus. He wondered if she and Percy would have any conflicts because of their godly parents.

Zedaph was just getting ready when Annabeth ran in. There were tears streaking her face.

The entire Athena cabin stood up with alarmed expressions. "What happened?" Malcolm asked.

"...Did she die?" Daisy asked.

Okay so Daisy made a very brief appearance in the first book, she is an OC daughter of Athena. There now you know

Annabeth shook her head. "Thalia's fine," she said. "But..."

"But... what?" Zedaph asked, afraid of the answer.

"I went up to go back to guard duty," Annabeth said. "And Clarisse wasn't there anymore. I don't know where she went. But..."

She trailed off and just went outside, gesturing at the tree.

Sharp fear ran through Zedaph as he saw that the now-familiar glimmer was gone.

"The Fleece..." Annabeth said helplessly.

"What happened?" Zedaph questioned urgently. "What happened to it?"

Annabeth looked each of her siblings in the eyes and spoke with a trembling voice.

"It's been stolen," she said. "The Golden Fleece has been stolen."



- Indigo

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