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The tree was looking nice.

However, all the detailing around it would have to wait, because Bdubs had called a meeting. Something about... an attack?

Whatever it was, Gem was forced to put aside her building ambitions for the time being. It was time to figure out what had happened to the thirteen-year-old son of Hypnos that called for a full-server meeting.

They all met at Spawn. Gem automatically went to stand next to Pearl and Impulse. Impulse shot her a sideways glance.

"You know what's going on," Gem realized.

Impulse nodded quickly. "I'm not going to say anything yet, though."

Gem looked at her feet worriedly.

"Ahem. Hi," Bdubs said loudly.

He was met with a chorus of Hi's, Hello's, and one Hallo from Iskall.

"So something happened that I think all of you should know about. I got attacked."

"Well, this is Hermitcraft," someone called. "It happens every night."

"No!" Bdubs said angrily. "There's been a lot of mobs lately."

A bunch of Hermits nodded in agreement.

"Like, more than usual. And, well, the short version is that it isn't normal."

"I checked the code," Xisuma said. "It's not right. Someone got in who wasn't supposed to be."

The Hermits didn't say anything. They just stared at the admin.

"Someone hacked Hermitcraft," Xisuma said slowly.

Then they panicked.

"This is a private server!" Ren protested. "Right?"

"It wasn't me!" Doc said when he earned several suspicious glances.

"It's got something to do with Hades, hasn't it?" Grian asked quietly.

Several pairs of eyes went to him.

"I mean..." he stammered. "Sherlock Grian? And also the Furies didn't try to kill us when we gave the Helm of Darkness to them. Hades got what he wanted."

Everyone except the demigods among them looked confused.

"I mean, it's kinda funny to imagine Hades, like, magically hacking the system," Tango said.

"No!" Gem said, stomping on his foot. "It is not funny!"

"That was funny, though," Pearl observed.

"Happy Gem! No stompificating!" Tango yelped.

"I will stompificate all I want, thank you very much," Gem said.

A few people snickered.

"Wait..." Iskall said. "Is this something about the whole demigod thing?"

The six demigods nodded gravely.

"We think Hades, the god of dead people, is taking control of all of the undead on the server," Bdubs said.

"Including me," Cleo said.

There was a long silence.

Then someone laughed before realizing that it was not a joke.

"Of all the people here, I think you would be the least likely to be possessed," False said to the zombie.

Cleo crossed her arms. "I know, and if I ever see Hades, I'm going to stab him. Very hard."

"I want to see that!" Ren said, raising his hand like he was in a kindergarten class.

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