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I'm sorry to those of you who already read it. I realized I forgot Zedaph, so I unpublished it, but then I thought of a better idea for him so sorry for the confusion


It was already bad enough that Percy, Annabeth, and Bdubs were the only ones alive. It was worse that they had to climb a cliff to avoid being seen by the killer sheep.

Yeah. So those sheep in the dream Percy had had... well, the three demigods had just seen them completely demolish an innocent little bunny that came into their line of sight.

Probably safer to go around to the back.

The cliff had plenty of handholds. It wasn't hard to climb, but it definitely made them tired. Annabeth was the first one up, and she decided to use Percy's face as a place to put her foot. Bdubs laughed at the imprint of her shoe on Perc .y's forehead.

At the top of the cliff, they paused to catch their breath and drink some water. The air was humid and Percy felt hot and sticky.

He got an idea to take the water out of the air to reduce it. But he decided to save his energy.

They must have been on top of the entrance to Polyphemus' cave, because Percy couldn't see the boulder from his dreams anywhere.

The island itself was even prettier than it was in Percy's dreams. It was shaped kind of like a saddle cut in half, with a large chasm in the middle and a rope bridge across it. The Golden Fleece glimmered on the opposite side of the ravine from where Percy, Annabeth, and Bdubs were.

Percy followed the path with his eyes from the Fleece, through the herd of killer sheep, across the rope bridge, and to... a nice cooking area where a Cyclops was roasting Clarisse over an open fire.

Well, at least she was alive.

Polyphemus (while sporting a hideous baby blue tuxedo) was laughing and talking about how delicious this meal was going to be. Percy noticed a smaller figure in a torn wedding dress standing next to the Cyclops.

"Dearest, why don't we roast one of your fine sheep that you have?" Grover asked nervously.

"We need nice feast for the wedding!" Polyphemus insisted. "Sheep are boring sometimes. I wish we had a delicious satyr!"

"What are you talking about?" Clarisse demanded. "There's one right next to you."

Thank goodness for Polyphemus' bad vision from being stabbed in the eye once upon a time, or he would have seen Grover's angry/terrified expression.

"No, this is not a satyr!" Polyphemus argued. "This be my fi... fi... fiancé! Yes, that is the word!"

"Fifi," Bdubs snickered.

"Shh," Annabeth said.

"Reet!" something squeaked.

Percy, Annabeth, and Bdubs looked down in alarm to see a tiny creature that Percy unfortunately knew all too well - a guinea pig.

"Gem said that Clarisse and Ren were both on Circe's island," Percy realized. "But Ren's not here as a human."

They looked at the guinea pig.

Then Bdubs snorted and Annabeth clapped a hand over his mouth.

"Ren?" she whispered incredulously.

The guinea pig squeaked and seemed to nod.

"No, it's a satyr, you dumb hunk!" Clarisse yelled.

"Remind me to kill her when this is over," Percy muttered. Bdubs seemed to agree. But Annabeth was still trying to keep him from screaming, so he couldn't say anything.

Polyphemus narrowed his singular bloodshot eye, turned to Grover, tore off the veil, and roared, "YOU'RE. NO. LADY. CYCLOPS!"

"Wait!" Grover yelped. "Don't cook me yet! I... I have a recipe!"

Polyphemus stared at him.

"I mean..." Grover said, doing pretty good for a satyr thinking on his hooves. "You don't want to just eat me raw. That would be gross and kind of tasteless! No, satyrs should be cooked with mango chutney!"

"Mango... chutney?" Polyphemus grumbled, seeming almost confused.

"Well, to start, you need mangoes," Grover said slowly, as if talking to a child. "There's some in those trees over there. I saw them." He pointed down the hill.

"Hm," Polyphemus grunted. "Wedding is delayed until soon."

Until soon. Helpful.

"Delayed?" Clarisse demanded. "What- you're still marrying him?"

Polyphemus turned to her, gave her a long stare, and then she and Percy realized at the same time. Percy would have laughed if not for the circumstances.

"ME?" Clarisse yelled. "You big dumb one-eyed son of a-"

Grover interrupted her. "We'll wait right here! You go get the mangoes!" he said.

"No," Polyphemus said. "Dinner and wifey will run away."

Percy didn't know whether he was proud or horrified that the Cyclops wasn't that dumb.

He plucked Clarisse off of the rope and Grover off of the ground as easily as berries off of a bush and carried the two to the entrance to the cave. Clarisse was banging on his fist angrily.

With a great heave, Polyphemus rolled the stone away and haphazardly tossed Clarisse and Grover inside. Then the boulder was rolled back into place and Polyphemus wandered down the hill, muttering, "Mangoes... what are mangoes?"

"Okay, how are we going to do this?" Annabeth asked as soon as Polyphemus was out of earshot.

Percy stared at her. So did Bdubs. So did Guinea Pig Ren.

"...What?" she said.

"Why are you asking us?" Percy pointed out. "You're the one who always makes the plans."

Annabeth facepalmed. "That's right, you're not smart. I have my invisibility cap. But I don't know how to get you guys in, unless..."

Her eyes drifted down to the pristine green fields.

"How much do you like sheep?"




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