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The short version: Bdubs, Annabeth, and Percy were the only ones who survived the explosion.

Or so they thought.

When they got to the suspicious spa island, they were immediately greeted by an overly cheerful girl who led them to a building at the top of the hill, where a lady named C.C. was weaving a nice tapestry. She somehow knew their names. No problem. Not creepy at all.

C.C. sent Annabeth out for a makeover and kept the boys in because they needed "extra work." Both of them looked wounded when she said that.

When Annabeth went back after the makeover, she noticed that both boys were gone, and there were two new guinea pigs added to the cage in the corner, one of which was staring at a bunch of other guinea pigs, while the other seemed to be having a standoff with the biggest one where they saw who could screech he loudest.

So basically, fight happened, Annabeth realized C.C. was actually Circe the sorceress, took a multivitamin to ward off magic, dumped the rest into the cage, Percy and Bdubs became human again... with the small problem of all of the pirates becoming human again too.


And thus began their daring escape from the island while the pirates chased them while waving swords around and screaming to rival Bdubs.

Bdubs couldn't have that. So naturally, he screamed back.

Blackbeard (surprise, he was actually alive this whole time and an immortal guinea pig, son of Ares, long story) seemed to respect the son of Hypnos, so Annabeth had to assume that said son of Hypnos had won the screech-off in the cage.

They were making good progress to the bottom of the hill when Percy tripped.

Annabeth grabbed the back of his shirt to keep him from falling down several flights of very hard stone stairs, but it slowed them down just enough for the pirates, dragging several attendant captives behind them, to catch up.

Bdubs turned back, pulled out his sword, and yelled at them as only Bdubs could. "YOU DONT SCARE ME!"

A couple of pirates collapsed.

"DANG IT!" Bdubs yelled. "IT DIDN' WORK!"

Annabeth didn't exactly know what he was talking about. She wasn't sure she wanted to know.

Wait, scratch that. She always wanted to know.

Fates forbid that ever be taken out of context.

Why am I like this

Annabeth was pretty sure that Blackbeard and the rest of his crew were going to catch up.

Until the gardens exploded.

Plants crept up the walls of the buildings at a speed that plants should not have been growing. They erupted out of the cracks between the bricks in the path, snaring pirates' legs and making almost a wall of thorns - a hedge - in between demigods and pirates.

"Someone overused their bonemeal," Bdubs observed.

Annabeth had an inkling of an idea what he was talking about.

"Dang it! I didn't mean to spill it that much!" A familiar voice said, and then a girl came out of the bushes.

"Stupid bonemeal- wait, Bdubs? Annabeth?" Gem asked.

"I'm here too," Percy commented.

"You're alive," Gem cried.

"We don't have time for this right now," Bdubs snapped. "I'm glad you're not dead, but we have a bit of a problem."

"You guys get out of here," Gem said. "I'll keep them off your tail."

"We're not leaving you!" Percy said, uncapping Riptide and getting ready to fight when the pirates inevitably hacked through the bushes.

"I can't leave," Gem said, looking devastated. "I made a deal with Circe that Clarisse and Ren would leave if I stayed. I swore on the Styx. She made me. I tried to make a loophole for myself but it only works if she harms any of you guys. Are you hurt?"

"My pride is," Percy said.

Annabeth prayed that was enough.

"Good enough, let's go!" Gem said, leading the way down the staircase with a sack of white powder (Yes, Drug Lord Gem is back) and a hopeful expression.

They got to the pier. Percy, who had taken the lead after about ten seconds, went to the giant pirate ship almost without hesitation.

"We don't know how to drive that thing!" Annabeth protested.

"I can figure it out!" Percy said confidently.

They ran up the plank and then stood awkwardly on the deck while the pirates yelled louder about how that was their ship. Bdubs yelled back. "FINDERS KEEPERS!"

Annabeth ran over and started trying to pull the plank up onto the deck so that the pirates
couldn't get on. And she almost got it off the ground when a peg leg stomped on it, preventing her from moving it any further.

Too late.

One of Blackbeard's crew ran up the plank, only for Bdubs to push him over the railing.

But not before he grabbed Gem.

Annabeth grabbed her hand, but it slipped and she plunged into the water.

Percy started concentrating, and the ropes and sails started to move themselves. While Percy did his Posideon thing, Annabeth looked over the side and waited for Gem to surface.

"Go!" Gem yelled. "You won't be able to hold them off forever! I'll manage!"

Some bonemeal had spilled out of her pouch, and the seaweed was getting out of hand. Kelp grew a little too much and floated on the surface of the water.

Bdubs hit another pirate on the head with the flat of his sword and hauled him over the railing.

But Gem was already on one of the white sand beaches, promptly turning the island into a forest.

"I made a couple of friends that I can't leave behind!" Gem yelled.

Of course Gem would be the one to make friends on an island that they had to escape. That was just typical.

"Then we'll help you!" Percy yelled.

"You don't have much time for the Fleece," Gem shouted. "Get that, then come back for me! I'll survive until then."

"And they won't?" Bdubs yelled.

"Probably not!" Gem said, and ran inland, being hidden by the trees.

"We have to go help," Percy said.

"You don't trust her to be able to do it on her own?" Bdubs asked.

"Not really," Annabeth admitted.

"You've never seen the amount of mobs in Hermitcraft," Bdubs reminded himself. "She'll be fine, trust me. Well come back for her after we get the Fleece."

Percy nodded, still looking unsure, but he pulled out of the little bay thing and they left.

Gem came out to the shore and waved.

Then she ran back into the brand new forest to find a friend she had made while being basically a captive.

Fun things.

Camp Hermit-Blood - The Sea of MonstersWhere stories live. Discover now