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I know I did a Ren POV just a few chapters ago. But this is important.

So you get more of the diggity dog 👍


A few hours ago...

"Clarisse," Ren said.

His half sister grunted in reply. She didn't yell at him, which meant either she was in a really good mood (which was never) or something was bothering her.

Ren sighed. "What was the prophecy?"

Clarisse hesitated. "I don't want to talk about it. Go away."

Ren did not want to go away.

"Can I come on the quest?" Ren asked.




"Why not?"


"Because why?"

"None of your business."


Clarisse slammed her trunk shut. "Because you're gonna get yourself killed, that's why."

"No I'm not," Ren said. "I didn't get myself killed in the chariot race, did I? And last summer, when I ran away?"

"You're an idiot," Clarisse said. "Why do you want to come on a freaking quest? I'm probably going to die."

"Because I live here too, in the summers. If Camp Half-Blood goes down, we all go down."

Clarisse glared at him. "I hate it when you make good points."

Ren gave a mock bow. "So I can come?"


Ren pouted and got in bed. But he wasn't about to accept defeat.

He never accepted defeat. It was one of his best and worst traits.

Clarisse sighed and got into her bunk.

Ren waited five silent minutes before saying, "You should let me come."

"FINE!" Clarisse yelled. "Fine. But if you die, it's not my fault."

"Can you tell me the prophecy now?" Ren asked.

"No! Go to sleep!"

Ren crossed his arms, but eventually fell asleep.


Oh, so you're going too. I guess I have to talk to you too now.

"What?" Ren asked.

He was pretty sure he knew who the voice was.

You wouldn't seriously forget your dear ol' dad?

"Ha," Ren huffed. "Forget? No. Kind of hard to forget the guy who nearly killed my friend."

I wouldn't have killed him. But that punk sure deserved it. Anyway-

"I don't want to hear it."

What? For once, Ares seemed surprised.

"I don't care. I'm not on this quest for you, I'm on it for the camp."

I'm offering help. We're family.

"Pff. You're not my family."

I know how to get into your world.

"Is that supposed to be a threat? What are you gonna do? Things can't possibly get any worse there than they are now."

I taught Clarisse how to summon the spirits of battle who lost their wars. I can teach you.

"Again. I don't care. Go away."

Ren felt Ares' anger, and then he woke up.

Oh, thank goodness it was a dream.

Ren hurried to pack for the quest while everyone was getting ready for inspection, and then he followed his cabin around the land mines and out to breakfast.

He wanted to find the other Hermits and let them know that he was leaving today. But he didn't see any of the Hermes Hermits at their table.

Haha. Hermes Hermits. I'm so funny

After he finished eating, Ren found that he had some time before they needed to leave, so he went to the Hermes cabin and knocked on the door, hoping that maybe Bdubs, Grian, and Gem were inside.

Zedaph ran up behind Ren. "Hey," he said. "Have you seen Annabeth?"

"She's at your table," Ren replied.

"But she wasn't at our cabin this morning. Or at breakfast."

Before Ren could answer, Gem opened the door. "If you're looking for Grian and Bdubs, they snuck out last night to look at the mummy and then never came back."

"Oh," Zedaph and Ren said quietly.

"Were they eaten?" Zedaph asked.

Gem narrowed her eyes. "I don't think so. I think they snuck out on another adventure."

"Annabeth wasn't at breakfast," Zedaph reminded Ren.

"Come to think of it, Percy and Tyson weren't either," Ren said.

"One would think you guys would want peace once in a while."

"Peace is boring," Ren said.

Gem threw her hands in the air. "How many times do I have to tell people, peace is not boring!"

"Are we going after them?" Zedaph asked nervously. "...again?"

"Let's not," Gem said.

"Um, is this a bad time to say that I'm going on the quest?" Ren said.

Gem and Zedaph both facepalmed.

"Let Tango know," Ren said, checking his watch. "I gotta leave in a few minutes."

"Okay, bye, I guess," Gem sighed.

"Don't die!" Zedaph said cheerfully.

"Says the guy who dies for all most his Zedvancements," Ren said, adjusting his grip on his backpack. "See ya."

"Have fun," Gem said, although she didn't seem to be thinking he would have fun.

Ren thought otherwise.

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