A/N so I did a thing

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As you can see, and as the title of this part states, I did a thing.

That thing was Etho Is Beef Steel LCEF.

Or, in its solved form, "'The Fleece,' Zedaph said. 'Its been stolen.'"

Those seven words of doom were from the original draft (where Zedaph was the one telling the others) that I accidentally spoiled. I remain angry at myself. JJ, thank you for being somewhat patient even though Etho is Beef Steel LCEF Fish Pancake was repeatedly in your Discord status. But I don't think anyone solved it, so we're probably good.

So anyway, that thing... well, I have plans for Grian, I have plans for Scar, I have plans for Nico- oops, was that a spoiler? I have plans for everyone involved in the Golden Fleece shenanigans. I also have plans for Gem, Reyna, and Hylla. I do not, however, have plans for most of the other Hermits, so insert suggestions here I guess

Titan's Curse, you say? Oh, you want a third book? Of course you do. I didn't give you an opportunity to answer, but of course you do. Why wouldn't you? I left you on a fifty foot cliffhanger there.

I give you this: there will most likely be a third book at some point. It just might take a while. It will definitely be next year. And I have other things that I'd like to work on, such as Exile, and I've hinted at both Hermitcraft/Wings of Fire and Empires/Owl House crossovers. I also have a new OC oneshot book with ✨backstory,✨ for all you crazy Bookworms roleplayers.

The gist of the last paragraph: Titan's Curse is coming. It might be soon. It might be in six months. But it's coming.

Thank you for reading the second installment of the Camp Hermit-Blood series! I've very much enjoyed writing it despite its roadblocks, and I have so many ideas swirling around in my head that I can't wait to put onto digital paper.

If you liked this book, and/or the first book in the series (Camp Hermit-Blood), would you consider following? I feel awkward asking this, but if you've gotten this far, you've obviously enjoyed it, so why not keep going, when I make the next book?

Anyway. Theories are always welcome, in fact they're encouraged. I love them. They give me like fifty percent of my ideas. I especially want to hear any ideas involving Tango, Zedaph, and Bdubs, because I don't have as many plans for them. I might not reply to the comment though, to avoid spoiling anything and/or because I'm processing it and making evil plans based off of it.

And one more thing: should I start of Titan's Curse with a Grian chapter, a Gem chapter, or a Percy chapter? Because my brain really wants to get back into Fleece shenanigans but it also wants to yeet Gem, Reyna, and Hylla back onto the mainland and it also wants to start off with the nice quest where Annabeth falls off a cliff. Ideas?

However, I think that's it for Camp Hermit-Blood: Sea of Monsters.

I'm sad to see it go but actually not really because I'm sick of writing about Cyclopes and guinea pigs and boats. The worst part is that I'm not done yet.

See y'all in Titan's Curse, or a possible book before it.

Also Merry Christmas!

- Indigo <3

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