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The Hermes cabin was buzzing about the quest for a long time that night. So long that the cleaning harpies knocked on the door and squawked something about food. The campers quieted down pretty quickly after that.

Until Grian decided that it would be a good idea to return to the attic that night.

"You do realize Tantalus is enforcing curfew, right?" Gem told him. "You're gonna get cooked in a stew."

"Only if I'm caught!" Grian boasted, and dragged Bdubs out the door.

Why Bdubs? Because Travis and Connor chickened out, and Bdubs happened to be the closest one to Grian.

"Stop it!" Bdubs protested, trying to pull away. "I don't wanna get eaten!"

"We won't get eaten," Grian said confidently. "Do you have your sword?"

"No, of courshe I don't have my shword! I was in bed, remember?"

"Go get it!" Grian said, playfully shoving Bdubs back at the door.

Instead of getting his sword and going back outside, Bdubs got back onto his sleeping bag. Not into it, because it was always stuffy in the Hermes cabin. "I just wanna go back to sleep," he grumbled. "Let me sleep."

"Nope!" Grian said cheerfully, yanking the sleeping bag out from under him. Bdubs yelled and rolled onto the floor.

"WHEN DID YOU COME BACK IN?" Bdubs demanded, much to the entertainment of the rest of the cabin.

Grian grabbed Bdubs' sword from out of his bag, then dragged Bdubs out the door again.

"Bye," Bdubs said miserably to the rest of the cabin. "If I don't come back, blame him."

Grian laughed.

"Where are we going?" Bdubs asked when they were out of earshot of the Hermes cabin.

"The attic," Grian said. "You can't follow me and imitate Mr. D and scare the crap out of me when you're right next to me."

"Again?" Bdubs yelped.

"I wanna see if the mummy was actually the Oracle of Delphi."


"Yes. Shh."


Grian snickered, but then he stopped.

Bdubs kept walking before realizing and then ran back to where the fourteen-year-old demigod was standing.

"What's going on?" Bdubs whispered.

"Shh," Grian said.

"I'M WHISPERING!" Bdubs yelled.

Grian rolled his eyes and pulled Bdubs behind a tree, pointing to two people running across the lawn.

One of them was unmistakeably Tyson, and Bdubs thought the other one might have been Annabeth.

"Are you sure he isn't in your cabin?" a girl's voice asked. Definitely Annabeth.

"Yes," Tyson replied. "I checked a lot."

"If he ran off, I'm going to kill him," Annabeth muttered to herself.

"Can I help?" Bdubs asked before he knew that he was speaking out loud. "Wait, who are we killing?"

Tyson looked curiously at where Grian and Bdubs were. Annabeth jumped and yelped, but she recovered quickly.

"You, if you tell anyone about this- oh, wait. It's you."

"Hi," Bdubs said. "Can we kill Grian for dragging me out here?"

"Hey, you didn't go running back to the cabin when you had the chance to," Grian said.

"I tried," Bdubs grumbled.

"Percy snuck out," Tyson said, putting them back on topic. Annabeth nodded, although she didn't look happy about agreeing with the Cyclops.

Aaaand I just realized I didn't finish the part where Tyson got claimed. I do that sometimes, starting a part that I forgot in the first draft and then forgetting about it. Sorry!

You know what? Whatever. You all know what happened, unless you haven't read pjo. In which case, Tyson got claimed as a son of Posideon, which Percy was not thrilled about.

"He's going after the Fleece," Grian realized, shaking his head. "Ugh. I feel your pain, Annabeth. I've had to babysit... friends... before."

"It's like watching a toddler who keeps running away from you," Annabeth agreed.

Grian laughed. "I know, right?"

Bdubs shot him a glance. I don't think he's okay.

Grian glared back at him.

Bdubs took it to say, I'm not okay.

Why was Bdubs of all people here for this? Gem was much better at this nice thing than he was.

Tyson looked at Grian with a concerned expression. "Is the small pranker okay?"

Grian raised his eyebrows. "I'm fine," he said unconvincingly.

"The small pranker is not okay," Tyson decided, and gave Grian a hug.

"OKAY, THIS IS ALL VERY WHOLESOME," Bdubs said. "But can we find Percy and go back to the cabin?"

"If he left, he'd probably go by sea," Annabeth said. "That's probably safer for him than land."

They ran down to the beach, hoping that he was... Bdubs didn't know. On a boat or something. But it turned out to be better, because Percy was still on the beach with a Coke, five yellow duffel bags, and a man with a staff who disappeared as they approached.

Percy turned to look at them. "Time to go," he said.

"Where?" Tyson asked.

Percy smiled and finished his soda. "On a quest."

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