-Tubbo POV-
"Tubbo!" Tommy shouts as he crashes into my apartment "LET'S MEET SOME WOMEN!!"
"What?" I ask, following him as he walks into my room.
He opens my closet and dresser and starts to rummage through my larger-than-it-should-be wardrobe.
"We're going out and you can't stop me from dragging you with me!" He shouts again.
"How are we supposed to go out?" I ask "we're underage and can't drink, and don't try denying it, I know you want to go to a bar!"
"It's okay, I know a guy named Quackity, he'll let us into his bar, he doesn't mind." Comes a muffled response from where Tommy is in my closet.
"I'm really starting to question your taste in friends," I say in a fake serious voice.
"Well, I mean...." He starts "your my best friend so maybe you shouldn't question my taste too far."
"This is true!" I say "I wasn't planning on questioning that far."
"Good!" Tommy shouts excitedly, and he throws a pile of clothes at me.
"Go." He says pointing me at the bathroom door.
I roll my eyes at him and walk into the bathroom, unbundling my clothes as I open the door. I lock the door behind me and turn towards the clothes that Tommy had given me.
Tommy's been my best friend for as long as I can remember and when I lived with my parents he used to rescue me and let me spend that night at his house. His parents are super nice and he has two elder brothers named Wilbur and Techno.
Even though he's my best friend he doesn't know that I'm gay, he does however know that I am overly romantic and fall for people within the blink of an eye. I'm sure he wouldn't judge me because I'm pretty sure that Wilbur's gay too.
"Tubbo!" A voice shouts through the door starting me out of my daze "hurry up!"
I quickly get dressed in the yellow t-shirt he picked out and my favorite black jumper. I wear some chains around my neck and a few silver rings on my fingers.
I walk out and Tommy smiles at my outfit, grabbing my hand.
"Come on!" He shouts "let's go!"
We walk down the horrendous amount of stairs that lead up to my apartment and I open the large door at the bottom. The elevated is currently broken so I'll have to walk back up when I come back. I sigh.
"It's within walking distance!" Tommy says and runs off, I follow him at a slower pace.
Once I catch up to him I'm slightly out of breath and roll my eyes at him.
"How do you know this Quackity guy?" I ask, panting slightly.
"I think that Wilbur's dating him but I can't get him to admit it!" Tommy says loudly, I shush him "I totally ship it and Quackity is super chill and really nice so I don't mind him being around."
"Plus you get to get into a bar." I point out and he laughs.
"That too!"
We walk up to the bar and Tommy has a whispered conversation with the bouncer he nods at us and lets us enter.
I smile at him as we pass but he's already turned the other way. We walk into the crowded bar and an explosion of noise hits me. I want to cover my ears it's so loud.
Tommy leads me over to the bar and sits me down on a stool before disappearing completely. I look around worried because social interaction is not my thing at all.
"What can I get for you?" I hear a voice above me ask.
I look up into the light caramel brown eyes of an extremely tall boy who looks to be about my age. He has medium brown hair and his features are both soft and chiseled. He in short is very cute.
I smile back.
"Just a water please?" I ask avoiding his gaze.
He nods slightly and gets water placing it in front of me.
"Not your scene is it?" He asks in his soft voice.
I shake my head embarrassed and grimace slightly while looking at the bar counter.
"Then why are you here?" He asks in a slightly confused voice.
He doesn't sound like he thinks I'm stupid or lying he only sounds curious. I give up and look back into his eyes.
"My friend dragged me here and then abandoned me," I say shrugging.
-Ranboo POV-
The boy sitting in front of me seems extremely uncomfortable but in an adorable way. He has dark brown hair and dark eyes.
He looks adorable dressed in a black jumper and slightly reminds me of a bee. I feel bad for him because I watched the blond kid leave him. I wonder if they're dating?
"I'm Ranboo..." I say sticking my hand out "what about you?"
He takes my hand tentatively and shakes it a small smile resting on his pretty features.
"I'm Toby." He says awkwardly "but my friends call me Tubbo."
"That's a cute nickname..." I mutter under my breath.
"Pardon?" Tubbo asks from in front of me.
"Nothing!" I say smiling at him "so wh-"
I'm cut off by the blond running up to Tubbo and grabbing his hand. I look at their interlocked hands and feel a pang in my stomach.
"Come on Tubbo!" The blond shouts "we have to go!"
"Whaaa? Why?" Tubbo says in a breathless voice.
"I kissed this guy's girlfriend and he's not too happy about it!" He says and starts to drag Tubbo away.
Tubbo gives me a fleeting smile and I give him one in return. He then turns and disappears into the crowd with the boy.
Well, I guess they're not dating then... I don't care either way obviously but it's nice to know.
(984 words)
First chapter, what do you think?
Drink some water, get some fresh air!
You are all valid!

Its not always unrequited... (TubboxRanboo)
FanfictionCover by: SomoneStoleMyToast2 Tommy and Tubbo have been friends for forever and Tommy doesn't usually have trouble meeting people. Tubbo falls for everyone way too fast and his feelings are rarely returned. Tubbo struggles with his queer identity in...