I posted about a new book and apparently it was never published but it is now published and I apologize for the fact that I said it was when it clearly was not.
TW: Alcohol
CW: Fluff
-Tubbo POV-
"Ranbooooo!" I say prancing into the kitchen.
Ranboo looks over from the stove and grins shaking his head at my energy.
"What is it, Tubbs?" He asks stirring something in a pan.
"It's moving day!!" I crow happily "you're here to stay!"
"I know, I know!" He says rolling his eyes "come on eat breakfast before we leave..."
At this point, nothing can put a damper on my mood.
I walk over to the stove and he holds out a plate of zucchini skillet and eggs. I grin at him.
"Thanks, Boo!" I take the plate carefully and lean up to peck him on the cheek.
I've been doing this more often and he doesn't seem to mind so I guess I'll keep doing it. I know it makes me happier.
I walk back to the table and look over to see Ranboo standing at the stove still a light blush spread across his cheeks.
"You alright Boo?" I ask concerned.
"Yep! I'm just fine!" He grins cheekily over at me.
I smile back and start to eat, once I've finished I walk into the bathroom and brush my teeth. I'll take a shower later, I like taking them at night more anyways.
We walk out into the bright sun and I shriek as it hits my eyes.
"What is with you this morning?" Ranboo asks chuckling.
"I'm just excited!" I shout "I cannot contain my energy!"
"Okay, okay!" I roll my eyes "we're taking the car."
He clamber into my car and Ranboo looks around in interest.
"I've never been in your car before..." He muses "it's nice."
I just shrug.
It's an okay car I guess but my aunt gave it to me right after I got my license as a birthday gift. It's her old car so it's not like it was new or anything. I'm still incredibly grateful but it did come with a handful of problems already.
I guide us along the main road until Ranboo tells me to turn, after a while, we pull up in front of a fairly large light blue house. I look at it through my window.
"Okay, his cars are not here so we should be good." I'm shaken out of my daze by Ranboo's calm voice.
I nod along carefully and we climb out of the car I grab Ranboo's hand for comfort and he squeezes it reassuringly.
He walks up to the door dragging me behind him and hesitantly stretches his hand out. He pushes it gently and the door swings open. It wasn't locked or completely shut.
We enter the hallway and Ranboo flips on a light.
The floor is littered with broken glass and a sticky substance. I grimace as I see a pack of cigarettes on the table with a lighter lying nearby. The whole house stinks of alcohol and deceit.
I don't like it here and judging by the way the Ranboo shifts beside me I don't think he does either.
"C'mon Tubbs, my rooms this way." He tugs me by the hand once again and I follow carefully.
We climb up a creaky flight of stairs and turn down another hallway. Ranboo opens the door to a small barren room. There's not much other than a desk, a dresser, and a bed. I tear my gaze away from the empty desk and plop myself onto the bed. It smells like him. I leave him standing in the center of the room looking around curiously.
He walks over and opens the door to the bathroom before shutting it quickly and gagging.
"What is it?" I ask furrowing my brow.
"Somebody drank a bit too much and decided to take it out on my shower." He explains shrugging.
The tall brunette opens his dresser drawers and starts throwing clothes niggly-piggly into an empty suitcase. I watch him before turning to the wall. A few pictures are hanging up, one of Ranboo with a black-haired man with a beanie. There are also a few of him with a stranger but the last one catches my eye.
It's us in the park, I remember that moment we were holding hands after leaving the magical clearing. I felt completely content and you can see it in my eyes. Ranboo is smiling brightly and pushing his hair back with the other hand.
I smile and take it down along with the other ones. I tread over to Ranboo and hold them out to him. He smiles at me and takes them before gently placing them in his pocket and leaning down to wrap his arms around me.
"Thank you Tubbo." He says softly.
"For what?" I ask confused.
"For everything." He replies simply and I smile into his neck before pulling away and gently booking him on the nose.
"Now lets get going." I says grabbing his hand as he grabs his suitcase.
We walk down the stairs and my feeling of unease comes back.
"Ranboo lets go!" I say tugging at his arm.
He nods and continues to follow me. We make it out to my car and as soon as he puts his suitcase in the back and we are seated a car pulls up behind us.
I drive without thinking but at least we avoid seeing anyone we don't want to.
-Ranboo POV-
We arrive at his apartment and as I unpack I think about how to confess my feelings. It's gotta happen soon he gives me butterfly's at every turn and every corner and I can't keep avoiding it. My birthdays in about a week, maybe I'll confess then. I can only hope he does because if he doesn't I don't know what I will do with myself.
God what is this pretty boy doing to me?
(1005 words)
Here have a fluff chapter (:
Drink some water, and then touch grass!
Thoughts? <3

Its not always unrequited... (TubboxRanboo)
FanfictionCover by: SomoneStoleMyToast2 Tommy and Tubbo have been friends for forever and Tommy doesn't usually have trouble meeting people. Tubbo falls for everyone way too fast and his feelings are rarely returned. Tubbo struggles with his queer identity in...