Cover by: SomoneStoleMyToast2
Tommy and Tubbo have been friends for forever and Tommy doesn't usually have trouble meeting people. Tubbo falls for everyone way too fast and his feelings are rarely returned. Tubbo struggles with his queer identity in...
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TW: Swearing, Death, Mentions of abuse
CW: Fluff (:
-Tubbo POV-
I look towards the far and starry edge of the rocky outcrop I am seated on. I remember my brief interaction with Ranboo today and let out a breathy sigh as I remember the look of hurt and pain on his face as I drifted away.
To be completely honest I don't know where I am, I feel like I'm stuck. If I die I hope I go to some place nice. I would say to heaven but I don't know if I believe in that anymore, I used to but after my dad, I don't know if I trust anyone to watch me.
I breathe in the heavy scent of the sea that carries to me across the wind. I glance down at the fire and poke the burning red coals with an old thin stick that I found near the ancient fire circle.
I sigh and blink sleepily. I don't want to sleep in this unfamiliar place and I definitely don't want to freeze in the late afternoon sun as the moon begins to peek its crown over the low horizon.
I lay down on my side and curl up into a little ball before shutting my eyes tightly. I can feel the wind bringing the heat from the fire over my face and I smile slightly as I feel the little heat.
I turn my back to the fire so I can be warm easily and start drifting off because of the aching of my body. I feel a sting inside my heart and screw my eyes up tightly as the pain increases. A few solitary tears leak out of the corners of my eyes as the pain grows increasingly stronger.
Late into the night the pain finally subsides and I fall into an uneasy sleep.
As my eyes shutter shut I see the flames against the stone wall and shadows flickering across the rough grey surface.
I stand in a green grassy field with wildflowers scattered around me. The sun shines down on my face and I smile slightly as I see bees buzzing around colorful blossoms.
I sit down in the middle of a patch of marigolds and saintly pick one up.
Someone sits down beside me and I look up into the familiar eyes of Ranboo. I see the family flecks of blue-grey and smile as he looks down at me with a soft look.
"Hello, again," I say.
I keep picking up marigolds until I have enough to weave together. I carefully string them together with my fingers and smile at the finished product. I reach up and place it on top of Ranboo's brown hair and smile at him.
"Now you have a permanent companion." I point at the bee currently buzzing around the crown.
"I would rather have you with me Tubbo."
I grimace and look down at the flowers before picking some more to make another crown. As my fingers quickly begin to weave the bright orange blooms together Ranboo closes his much larger hand around mine.
I glance up at him and he looks down at me with a worried look.
"Please come back to me Tubbo." He says quietly.
I look down at our entwined hands and squeeze his hand slightly.
"You know I miss you, right?"
"I know, I'm trying."
He nods and shifts so my back is against his chest before pulling me close to him and resting his chin on my head. I close my eyes and breathe in the heady scent of flowers.
Ranboo does the same and his grip around me tightens slightly. I hear him let out a light sigh and I lean further into his warmth. I smile as I breathe in his scent now.
Laying against his warm body in the sun's rays, I fall asleep as he holds me carefully.
-Wilbur POV-
I sit on the swing in the park after Ranboo and Tommy have gone home and gaze up into the late afternoon sunset. The horizon is dusted lightly with pinks and purples and small stars are already starting to dot the pale sky.
The wind rustles across the tree leaves and creates a wind chime-like sound in the distance. I think it may rain because the wind has picked up and the tree leaves are nearly upside down by now. I smile at the thought of rain and when the wind brushes past me again I can see it in the air.
I hear someone approaching behind me and feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind as Quackity rests his chin on my shoulder. We stay like this for a while before a slight rain starts flattering down around us. I stand up and slip my hands into Quackity's.
"Do you know how to waltz?" I ask him softly and he shakes his hand.
"Okay, so it's pretty simple. It's like a box." I put our hands in the correct position "first step backward and shift your weight."
I nod as he does it and lean down to peck his cheek.
"Now step to the right and shift your weight again. Good and now back and shift again okay and to the left this time."
I nod.
"That's it?" Quackity asks.
"Yep now we just repeat it."
We waltz for a few minutes before Quackity decides it's boring and starts twirling me at the same time. I laugh out as the rain lashes against my face. Quackity pulls me closer and kisses me before taking my hand.
"Come on, love, let's go home."
I smile and follow him back through the park and to his house. He kisses my cheek as he unlocks the door.
"Yes, please." I thank him.
He makes me a cup of tea before setting it down in front of me and placing a kiss on my forehead. He sits down beside me and wraps his arms around my waist as he leans into my side.
I kiss his head and he smiles before snuggling into me.
"Your sweater is all wet!" He exclaims.
"And who's fault is that?" I ask him.
(1052 words)
Drink water and get some sleep! Maybe touch some grass? I can't here because of all the snow :( Thoughts? <3