Sorry I haven't updated in like a week! I got very sick and was basically a walking corpse for a week! It was great obviously I clearly had so much fun but I'm back now!
Also shout out to Sierracat3, who is absolutely astounding!
TW: Abusive actions, swearing
-Ranboo POV-
I start to read my cheesy romance novel and get whisked away into a world of dragons, knights, and princesses. Honestly, this is probably the most embarrassing thing about me. My obsession with disgustingly sappy adventure books but I don't care as long as they take me away from my world.
I glance up at the clock on the wall and realize that their probably closing soon so I stand up and stuff my book into my bag. I bring my coffee mug up to the counter and gently place it down.
"Oh!" Tubbo comes out from behind a door "I could've done that!"
"No problem!" I say smiling shakily.
I wave to him and then take my leave carefully pushing open the door and walking off down the streets. I know what's waiting for me at home and I want to delay it as long as possible.
I think about Tubbo as I walk home the way he smiles at everyone and his soft laugh that can get out of control in just moments. But I know I don't love him because I'm dating someone and I love who I'm dating. He knows what's best for me.
I continue walking down the street with less of a bounce in my step and I end up in front of a pale blue house. I sigh and my shoulders sink. I clamp and unclamp my fists and steel myself for what's about to inevitably happen.
I walk up the cracked concrete walkway and push the door open trying not to make a sound but it doesn't work.
"Ranboo?" Comes a harsh voice from the leaving room. Dylan.
"Yes?" I hardly whisper but he still hears me.
"Come here, babe." He demands.
The nickname makes my skin crawl and I can hardly stand the sound of my own breathing, I drag myself into the living room and stand in front of him, trembling all over.
"Where were you!?" He suddenly shouts his voice full of anger.
"I was just out!" I defend myself weakly.
He stands up and grabs my arm. Twisting it and making me cry out in pain. He puts his dirty hand under my chin and forces me to look into his eyes. I meet them and there's nothing but cold hard hatred there I let out another whimper and a single tear drips down my face.
"Where. Were. You?" He asks his voice dangerously low.
"I was at that coffee shop at the corner!" I say letting out a yelp as he continues to twist my arm.
"Ohhh I see," he muses "there's a cute little boy that works there, isn't there?"
I shake my head and another tear makes its way down my face.
"I fucking said 'isn't there?' Dylan shouts at me again.
In defeat, I nod my head once and he smirks at me.
"Why your nothing but a little slut!" He shouts again "aren't you?"
I shake my head and now the tears come faster and I can't stop them.
"Why the fuck are you crying?!!" He shouts and then swings his fist back.
I shut my eyes right knowing what's about to happen and his fist connects with the side of my jaw. I let out a yelp of pain and he releases me. I fall to the floor and curl up into a little ball.
"You know you deserved that don't you?" He asks "for being a slut..."
I carefully nod my head so as not to hurt it anymore.
"Yes," I whisper quietly.
"I didn't quite hear you kitten." He murmurs from above me.
"Yes!" I say louder and I start to cry silently again.
"Good!" He says straightening up and putting on a business-like tone "now make me dinner."
I stand up and walk into the kitchen completely disgusted with myself. I set to making dinner I know I won't be able to eat and I keep crying as I make Dylan dinner.
I know it's pathetic but I can't help myself I'm a weak person and that's proved by the fact that someone can beat me in my own house.
-Tubbo POV-
I walk home, completely content with my day. Ranboo makes me happy and I loved seeing him read in the corner of my shop. He becomes more relaxed. When he's not reading he always seems to be on the lookout but when he is he seems to feel more comfortable in his own skin.
I put my key on the lock to my apartment but it's already open. It's Tommy sitting on my kitchen table eating MY food. I roll my eyes at him and hang my stuff up.
"Now Tubs!" He says to me "is that any way to treat your best friend who may have introduced you to the love of your life?!"
"Tommy." I say seriously "your sitting in my apartment on my table eating my food. Anyway, where'd you find that? I didn't think I had any food."
"You do!" He shouts waving the bag of chips over his head. "There's Ramen for later as well!"
I roll my eyes at him again.
"Anyways what was that about the love of my life?"
"I hear from Quackity and Ranboo that you sir were chatting up a bartender last night." He replies smugly.
I hum quietly in response and set the water boiling for water.
"So" Tommy starts "how's Ranboo?"
"Bro!" I shout "I don't even have his number!"
"Well, we need to change that!" Tommy shouts back.
"We don't need to do anything." I muse "he came into the store today, he will again I can get it from him then."
"Aww," Tommy says clutching his heart "my little Tubbos growing up!"
"Oh shut up!" I shout throwing a pack of Ramen at his head.
(1037 words)
Yesss I finished!
Drink water and go touch some grass we both know you need it!

Its not always unrequited... (TubboxRanboo)
FanfictionCover by: SomoneStoleMyToast2 Tommy and Tubbo have been friends for forever and Tommy doesn't usually have trouble meeting people. Tubbo falls for everyone way too fast and his feelings are rarely returned. Tubbo struggles with his queer identity in...