It's Not Happening

370 13 48

TW: Swearing, suicide, death, mentions of abuse

-Ranboo POV-

I sit next to Tubbo as he rests in the uncomfortable-looking bed. He's been asleep for so long, it's been nearly two weeks and there is no sign of him waking up.

There are very prominent eyebags underneath my eyes and dark circles are imprinted there. At this point, they may never disappear. I sigh heavily and cast my gaze about the room. The tubes that had been removed from Tubbo's arm have been reinstated and it stresses Tommy whenever he looks at them.

It's hard to think that instead of me it's Tubbo laying in this bed. He saved me all that time ago and now look at him,  I just wish I had been able to save him as he did me.

An idea sparks into my mind and I remember that people in comas or induced sleep can sometimes hear things that happen around them.

I quickly leave the hospital and jog back to the apartment, pressing buttons harshly in the elevator like that will help.

The doors slide open with a ding and I race down the hall toward the very lonely-looking apartment. I had Aimsey just take Michael to their home instead of having to go to mine all the time. They will give them back when life is less stressful.

I look around making sure everything appears to be in its place before walking into the living room and gazing at the shelves of books. I take a look around and notice that the "unwind" book is still sitting on the table. I know it's part of a larger series so I grab that and the second one.

I glance out at the balcony and notice that it doesn't look nearly as cheerful as it usually does. I place the books back down and open the door to the balcony before stepping out. The flowers look slightly wilted and there are barely any bees buzzing around the flowering blooms.

I sigh and walk into the house grabbing the watering can that sits by the door and filling it up. I'm not letting Tubbo's space just because he can't take care of it. I smile as I water the lilting flowers and when I'm done I grab the books and leave, locking the door behind me.

I hurry back to the hospital and smile as I sink into the seat next to Tubbo and open the first book. In a clear voice, I start to read out the lines as if performing a play.

We get sucked up into a world of instability and haphazard government. With teenagers racing around to save everyone they can and getting caught in the process.

I only stop when I hear quiet tears outside the door. I close the book swiftly and stand sweeping my gaze toward the door and opening it carefully. Tommy stands there with wet tear streaks flowing freely down his cheeks. I open my arms and he plunges into them his tears soaking slightly through my shirt as he lets out muffled sobs.

"Tommy?" I ask.

I get no response except for him crying harder into my shirt.

"What's wrong, Tommy?"

"Th-they said" he hiccups "that they were going to take him off life support if he doesn't wake up soon."

Tommy continues weeping into my shirt as I glare at the doctor approaching us.

"What the fuck do you mean you're going to take him off life support!" I shout at her.

"Sir if you could please quiet dow-" I interrupt her.

"I'm not about to fucking quiet down!" I protest "you're trying to kill my friend!"

"I can assure you that's not what's happening here." She glares back.

"That's what it sure as hell looks like!"

"Sir if you could just step into the room."

I take a step back into the room and when she enters I slam the door shut behind her.

"I will not let you pull the plug on him! In what world would I let you do that? You have no right to do that! He's innocent, he doesn't deserve to fucking die!"

"It's really not my choice, sir." She tries to explain.

"What the fuck do you mean it's not your choice!" Tommy starts shouting now "that's my best friend laying in that bed. If it's not your fucking choice then let us decide!"

"I'm afraid I cannot do that."

"He's going to die! Because of you! Do you want that on your consciousness?" I shout "You will kill an innocent, beautiful person."

"Tubbo needs help! He doesn't need to be fucking murdered!" Tommy shouts.

Phil enters the room and pulls Tommy into a hug as he breaks down into heart-wrenching sobs.

"I just want Tubbo to get better." He sobs into Phil's shirt.

"I know, Toms." Phil sighs.

"He's only been on life support for two weeks?" Wilbur asks "how is that anywhere near long enough to take him off of it?"

"Well you see" the doctor begins "we have been monitoring him very closely and his brain activity isn't where it should be. He appears to be in a dreamlike state that isn't letting him wake up. We also have a shortage of these machines at the hospital. I called his family and they appear to think it's the right thing to do and because he tried to do this to himself we can infer he doesn't want to be here."

"So your answer is to kill him?" I ask.

"We would not be killing him since he won't wake up." She says glaring at me.

"But he will die."

"That is correct."

"So you're killing him," I say crossing my arms.

"Fucking Christ." Tommy says "I thought doctors were supposed to be smart."

"Shush you," Phil says sending him an amused look.

"We are Tubbo's family." A new voice comes.

Techno stands at the doorframe with his arms crossed.

"Not by blood." The doctor says looking alarmed at this intrusion.

"Family isn't blood." He replies a glint in his eyes.

"This is irrelevant."

"So basically you want a family that physically assaulted and verbally abused him for years to decide his fate and not us?"

"His past is also irrelevant." She mutters.

"Let me put this a different way. You want a family that tortured him and hurt him, I know you've seen the scars on his body. A family that hated him for being him, a family that thinks he should die, decide his fate rather than a family that has done nothing but love him?"

"I don't make the rules." The doctor says.

"And yet another way I can phrase it is that you want a lawsuit headed your way, one that could potentially cost millions of dollars?"

"Are you threatening me, sir?" She asks.

"What do you think?" He raises an eyebrow.

She glares at all of us before leaving the room. Tommy extracts himself from Phil's arms and runs at Techno wrapping his arms around him tightly.

"Thank you, big brother."

"No problem, Tomathy," Techno replies gazing at me.

(1193 words)

It's sad but fluffy?
Sorry for my absence, I had to return to school and then it snowed a lot, like a lot.
Drink water! Eat food!
Thoughts? <3

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