Wishing well

479 19 14

TW: Swearing

-Ranboo POV- 

Tubbo opens his arms to me.

"Come here, boo..." He says softly and I run into his arms.

Tears slowly drip down my face and into his shoulder. 

"I missed you so much Tubbo," I mutter into his sweater.

"I did too, Ranboo, I missed you too." He strokes the back of my head softly.

"But..." He continues "You know we can't be together, right? You know that, don't you?"

"Why not?" I inhale a shaky breath.

"Because I don't love you," He takes a step back and turns away.

"But, Tubbo!" I shout out reaching for his shoulder.

"No, Ranboo!" He shouts back "No one will ever love you, you're not good enough for any of us!"

His expression turns hateful and his gaze turns into steel.

"But I'll try!" I protest "I will be better, I promise."

At this point I'm begging for him to come back, I need him.

"It's a bit too late for that, don't you think?" He asks before turning away again and starting to walk off. 

Tears stream down my face as I reach for him once again and fall to my knees. I can't move, I seem to be tied to the ground as I reach still further. 

I gasp as I sit up, I look around the darkened room and I realize it was a dream. I bring my palms up to my face to rub away the sleep in my eyes but when I bring them away again I notice ruddy tears on them as well. I sigh and swing my legs out of the bed. I walk into the bathroom and take a quick shower trying to make myself feel better. 

When I'm done I walk back into Tubbo's room and flick on the light before carefully drawing open the heavy, pale yellow curtains. It seems to be very early in the morning as I look out of the frosted window pane. There's a slight chill seeping through the small cracks at the edge of his windows. 

I turn around and look around the untidy room. I see one of my sweatshirts lying on the floor and recognize it as one of the two that he stole from me. I pick it up carefully and pull it to my face. It smells like him still. I pull it up and over my head as his smell engulfs my figure. 

Once again I look around the messy room and begin to pick it up piece by piece. I finish in about a half hour and stand up stretching my arms above my head. I smile softly to myself as I look around at the peeling walls. His apartment is very homey and I enjoy spending time here. I don't know if it's just because of him though. 

I decided I should make breakfast and then tidy up the living room as well. The living room is by far the best room in this house. I haven't fully had time to look at the books yet though. 

I walk up to the shelf furthest away from me and pull out a thick, dusty, heavy-bound book. I smile down at the cover. 

"A book of folktales" 

I curl up on the couch with my book and glance down at the cover again before flipping the heavy cover open. The pages seem weathered and old as I begin to read.

After about an hour of reading about all the adventures, everybody else seemed to be having I stand up and stretch, reaching my arms over my head.

I walk towards the door of the apartment and open it up closing it quietly behind me. I venture out into the bright, hot daylight and start to make my way into the downtown area.

Once I reach central park I find the gazebo and sit in it gazing out at the empty expanse of grass. 

I turn my head and look at the bench we sat at when I first met Tommy and then turn my attention to the large water fountain that rests near a tiny grove of trees. Before I know what I'm doing I stand up and make my way toward the fountain, checking my pockets for any loose change. 

As I stand at the lip of the fountain I gaze into the murky water with coins scattered across the bottom. There's nothing in my pockets and I close my eyes as the sunlight shutters across my face. 

I hear voices behind me as I stand there and turn around to see Quackity and Wilbur walking across the park hand in hand.

Wilbur notices me and turns to Quackity saying something.

Quackity looks up for their interlocked hands and drops Wilbur's before grinning at him and jogging over to me. 

"Hey! Ranboo!" He says cheerfully "How are you mate? Haven't seen you at the old bar for a good while."

I nod and grin back.

"I'm okay, how are you, boss?"

"Now now none of that!" He chuckles and raises his hands "I'm okay though, been busy."

I nod my head.

"You thinking 'bout coming back anytime soon?" He asks tilting his head.

"You thinking 'bout taking your boyfriend on a real date anytime soon?" I tease back.

He raises his hand to his heart dramatically.

"I have taken him out "on a real date" many a time." He says loudly "Isn't that right Wilbur?"

Wilbur gazes back at us with a small smile playing across his lips before shrugging his shoulders and turning to look at the gazebo. 

"And yes probably..." I add.

He gives me another one of his grins and turns to start walking back to Wilbur before stopping and spinning on the spot suddenly.

"Here." He says "might as well make a wish."

He tosses something shiny through the air at me and I catch it in between my fingers, it's a dime. 

I wave at him and Wilbur as they continue to walk through the park. Quackity is shouting about all the times he's taken Wilbur out.

I grin and turn away, stepping up onto the edge of the fountain.

I close my eyes again and feel the stone under my feet and the dappled sunlight filtering across my body. 

I clutch the dime tight and search my mind for something I really want before throwing the coin in the water, where it lands with a satisfying plunk. I step down from the edge and search the water, my wish lost in the mess of the rest of the wishes. I turn and start to slowly walk away. 

(1106 words)

Drink some water and touch some grass!
Thoughts? <3

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