"I convinced myself"

529 20 41

TW: Angst, Swearing, Self-deprecating thoughts 

-Tubbo POV-

I hear Ranboo's breathing even out as he slowly falls into a deep slumber. I sigh as I sit up and rub my eyes. I glance behind me as Ranboo still has arms draped across my chest. 

I carefully remove his arms and he grumbles slightly in his sleep. I sigh as I stand up and grab a backpack I already had prepared on the ground. I wander into the kitchen and pull out a piece of notepaper and a pen. I convince myself it's the right thing to do. 


I'm heading out to Tommy's for a few weeks, please don't try to find me at the cafe. I have some things to think about and think it would be helpful to be alone.

I left some cash on the counter for you as you stay at home, feel free to use it for whatever you want as I left more than enough for food and other necessities. 

Tubbo (:

I open the door as quietly as possible and slip out into the chilly air, heading for Tommy's house. I walk along the cracked grey pavement whilst keeping my eyes straight ahead of me and blinking back tears.

I don't know what to do, I feel like Ranboo might be keeping something from me but don't know how to ask and I won't snoop in his stuff. Instead, I'm just running away to my best friend's house for the time being. I look down at my watch, it's ten A.M so Tommy might not be awake but Phil will be and so will Wilbur. 

I arrive in front of the beige and cream house and scan the windows at the top of the building to see Tommy's light off and his curtains drawn shut. I sigh, I thought as much but I still hoped he might be awake. I walk up to the brown door and rap on it with my knuckles. A teenager with pink hair pulls the door open and stares at me.

"Oh, hey Techno." I say surprised "wheres Phil?"

"Well hello to you to Tubbo, and he's at work," he replies in his monotone voice. 

I nod and glance over my shoulder briefly. Techno seems to notice and opens the door wider inviting me in. He is used to me being around but acts kinda stand-offish when directly addressed.

"Thanks" I mutter as I duck under his arm and into the kitchen.

I see Wilbur sitting at the kitchen table, his glasses perched on his nose and a steaming cup of coffee sitting in front of him. He has a book open in front of him but his eyes seem unfocused. 

"Oh hello, Tubbo!" he says looking up at me. 

I give him a small wave and grin. 

"Techno," he says redirecting his attention "why is there a chair upside down in our backyard?"

"Tommy..." Techno says rubbing his forehead with his palm.

Wilbur furrows his eyebrows confused and tilts his head.

"He thought I was stealing his toothpaste so he threw my chair out my window." Techno elaborates "Now my turn, why is there a boy in your bed?"

Wilbur blushes and turns back to his book "no particular reason..."

Techno looks at him incredulously and I start to giggle. Wilbur turns a death glare at me as I try to hold in my laughter.

"I swear to GOD WILBUR!" Techno shouts "If I find out you are not using protection I will kill you! And I BETTER NOT HEAR ANYTHING!"

Wilbur's face turns bright red and I can't hold in my laughter anymore. 

"I don't need PrOTeCtIOn, Techno!" He shouts "Nothing is happening!"

Suddenly I hear Tommy's voice from upstairs.

"Where the fuck is my toothpaste?" He demands loudly.

Techno smiles.

"I swear to go-" Tommy suddenly stops "AGHAGAHGAHGAH WHAT IS IN MY HAIR!"

"Don't worry about it Goldy-locks!" Techno shouts back.

-Ranboo POV-

I wake up in a cold sweat and sit up quickly before shaking my head. I swing my legs out of bed and rub the sleep out of my eyes before glancing around. Tubbo isn't here but I could've sworn he fell asleep next to me. Maybe he moved onto the couch? I wander into the living and look around again, he's not here so where could he be? 

"Tubbo?" I call out walking into the kitchen.

I call again but receive no reply. I look over at the kitchen counter ad see a slip of paper resting on the slippery surface. I read it over carefully and shake my head before reading it again.

"Wha-" I interrupt myself "But why? What did I do wrong?"

I think back to the past few days, and I can't think of anything that would have happened to make him upset enough to leave. I collapse into a chair and read the note again. I keep thinking about everything that's happened. 

I then remember the message I got. I run to my room and grab my phone before seeing another text.

                                                                              Unknown Number

Good job

I click out of the ominous message and go to Tubbo's contact, I sent him as many messages as I feel like I should before he'll block me but he doesn't reply to any of them. I crawl into the bed and curl up in a ball before letting myself fall back into a restless sleep.

-Wilbur POV-

I sit on the edge of my bed and watch Quackity's peaceful expression as he sleeps. I grin and then shake his shoulder slightly. 

"Hey, love," I mutter and he blinks his eyes open.

"Whaatttttttt?" He groans as sunlight filters into the messy room. 

"You gotta wake up, it's late." 

Quackity glances at the clock only my wall. 

"Wilbur in what world is eleven late?" He asks sleepily.

"My world," I say smugly.

"Don't care," he says before grabbing my arm.

He tugs me down so I'm lying down facing him. He snuggles in my chest and wraps his arms around my waist. He then buries his face in my shoulder and yawns sleepily. 

I stroke his hair and he hums contently. 

"You're never this snugly when you're awake," I observe quietly.

"See now your sleepy too!" he says.

"Only because yawns are contagious" I kiss his forehead before relaxing. 

(1025 words)

Dream is so pretty, he's perfect in every way and I don't understand why people are judging him as much as they are, it's not fair at all. 

Touch some grass and drink some water!
Thoughts? <3

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