TW: Medical equipment, swearing
-Ranboo POV-
I wake up to Tommy violently shaking me.
"What?" I say groggily.
"They performed the surgery on Tubbo!" He shouts "we have to goooo!"
"Okay, okay!" I say loudly "I'm going I'm going."
I stand up and stretch before pushing Tommy out of the room and pulling on a fresh pair of jeans and a new shirt. I open the door back up to see Tommy impatiently tapping his foot. He huffs when he sees me and grabs my hand. He pulls me down the staircase and past Techno. We get out onto the street and set off quickly and in silence.
Once we reach the looming building we are gestured into the room by the Secretary and we thank him.
We walk into the room and I see Tubbo laying down on the bed with his eyes still closed. He seems to have gotten impossibly paler and an expression of unease is settled on his face. He looks like he is in pain and I hear the door click behind us. We turn to see the doctor standing there. She looks exhausted as her gaze flickers over us.
"Well," she says still holding her clipboard "we have good news and bad news. The good news is that the surgery seems to have gone well and his condition is stable for the moment. The bad news is that when we performed the surgery his body went into slight shock and caused a blood clot. Because of the blood clot being so close to his heart he had to be put on life support. It is unclear when he will wake up but the life support is merely a precaution."
We nod numbly as she describes his condition to us. She tells me a few more things that I don't catch before leaving the room.
"I hope he will be okay," Tommy says in almost a whisper.
I nod and glance back at him. His eyelids flicker and his lips part in a slight exhale. His chest rises and falls slowly and I smile when I see that a couple of the random tubes have been removed from his arms.
Tommy goes and sits beside him before grabbing his hand. Wilbur walks into the room and grins when he sees us.
"What's up, guys?" He asks.
"Why are you so cheerful Wilbur?" Tommy asks with a furrowed brow.
"Because Tubbo is healing, no matter how glum it looks right now."
"I guess so."
"Anyway the doctor says we should leave him alone for a while now because they need to make sure he stays stable."
Tommy nods and stands up.
"C'mon!" Wilbur says "We are going to the park!"
I let out a quiet groan.
"Whattttt?" Wilbur whines.
"I hate children," I respond in a grim voice.
"Why do you hand out with Tommy so much then?" Wilbur asks jutting his chin towards Tommy.
"Valid point, even I don't know."
"Wilbur!" Tommy protests "I am not a child!"
"If you say so," Wilbur says shaking his head and raising an eyebrow "now let's go."
We head out of the hospital thanking the receptionists and walking into the cool outside air. Sun trickles down from the sky and a slight wind ruffles our hair.
I take a deep breath in and we start walking toward the park.
"Didn't I see you and your boyfriend here a couple of days ago?" I ask.
"Tubbo is not my boyfriend!" Tommy says loudly.
"Shush you." I reply "I was talking to Wilbur."
Wilbur blushes lightly and smiles at the thought.
"Actually, I don't have a boyfriend." He says.
"That's such bullshit!" Tommy shouts loudly.
A few parents send looks our way when Tommy shouts and we both shush him at the same time.
"Don't shush me you bitch!" He shouts even louder.
We both shush him again and then start giggling when we catch the expressions of the parents.
"Tommy shut up!" Wilbur says through his laughter.
"You shut up!" He says "you lied to me!"
"Okay fair point but whatever."
"Ohhhhh look! SWINGS!" Tommy points toward the large red swing set.
It's empty and the swings are swaying slightly in the breeze.
"Such a child," I say shaking my head.
"Shut up assface."
He grabs Wilbur's hand and drags him towards the swing set with vigor. He climbs onto of the squeaky seats.
"Will!" He shouts "PUSH ME!"
"Ask politely first."
"Push me, please?"
"Not quite there Toms."
"Push me, pretty please with sugar on top?"
"I still don't think that's quite good enough," Wilbur says grinning.
If we weren't getting weird looks before we most certainly are now, Wilbur must notice them as well because he walks over and lazily pushes Tommy's swing. He appears to be laughing quite hard and for a minute I'm scared for his health.
"HIGHER!" Tommy shouts and Wilbhr complies, pushing the swing farther upwards.
Tommy lets out a shriek when the swing turns sideways and starts to twist. I watch as the swing plummets toward the slow-moving Wilbur and completely smashes into him. Tommy falls off and collapses onto Wilbur. I go and stand over them as Tommy smashes Wilbur's face into the ground.
Wilbur sits up slightly dazed and at his stupid expression I let out a laugh and Tommy starts to laugh louder.
"Oh, I will kill you both!" Wilbur stands up and starts to chase us.
We run away laughing and screaming and climb up into a tree, we watch as Wilbur looks around for us and in the process runs straight into a short person.
They both topple over and we start to laugh again. Wilbur glares over at us.
"Sorry, Quackity." He says sheepishly.
"It's alright, Wilbur darling."
Tommy lets out a very audible 'ewwwwww' and promptly falls out of the tree.
"I think I just threw up in my mouth!" He shouts as he sits up from the grass.
His nose is bleeding. Wilbur flips him off and goes back to Quackity who kisses his cheek and grins at Tommy. I clamber out of the tree to attend to Tommy as Wilbur blushes.
(1063 words)
All this sad stuff is making me sad. Well duh, that's the point.
Anyway, I got contacts today and now I don't have to be blind.
I hope you are all good! I love reading your comments!
Drink some water and eat something!
Thoughts? <3
What do we think of the TNT duo fluff?

Its not always unrequited... (TubboxRanboo)
FanfictionCover by: SomoneStoleMyToast2 Tommy and Tubbo have been friends for forever and Tommy doesn't usually have trouble meeting people. Tubbo falls for everyone way too fast and his feelings are rarely returned. Tubbo struggles with his queer identity in...