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-Ranboo POV-

We are asked to leave while they check Tubbo's vitals and monitor his heart so Tommy and I trek out of the room. Tears still carve down our faces and we quickly wipe them away before we stride into the waiting room. Phil awaits us on the other side with Wilbur by his side. Tommy runs towards Wilbur and wraps his arms around him gently. Wilbur recuperates the hug and I smile at them.

"Alright mate?" Phil asks from my other side.

"Not really," I sigh.

"He'll be okay, don't worry."

I nod and gaze toward the door of the hospital. I hate hospitals, they are too clean and there seems to be no hope in their small confines. There are crying people in the waiting rooms and sick, dying patients in the blank rooms. The reception seems way too happy for the embodiment they are stuck in and the doctors seem too emotionless.

It takes so much out of anyone who enters them and no one enjoys being in one. So many loved ones are lost and so many people are sent here after they couldn't solve the problem on their own. It just seems like everything is fake like maybe it is all a dream and we could all wake up, but everyone knows that's not possible.

Tommy pulls away from Wilbur with tears streaming down his face and instead pulls me into a hug. I wrap my arms around him and burrow my face into his shoulder, tears slowly trailing down my cheeks.

"You two look exhausted, you should go home and we will stay with Tubbo," Phil says in a gentle voice.

We are too tired to argue and leave the hospital side by side. I turn one way and Tommy turns the other.

"What are you doing?" He asks confused.

"Going home," I say simply.

"Homes this way, come on." He grabs my arm and tugs me.

I give him and follow him into the house I found Tubbo at. I smile at the neat clutter that is scattered everywhere. I glance confused at the chair on the lawn and follow Tommy inside.

Techno sits at the kitchen table, he looks up when we walk in. He stands up and gives Tommy a long hug before nodding at me. I try to smile but it probably just looks broken.

He gives me a shorter hug after he notices my lack of comfort.

"I made you guys food." He gestures at the stove.

We offer him thanks before he walks away. We go to inspect the food he made us and are pleasantly surprised to see macaroni and cheese sitting in a pan. We serve ourselves and Tommy sits on the table.

"Come on big man." He pats the space next to him when he sees my hesitation.

"Alright." I climb up onto the worn table and sit next to him.

"Best seat in the house." He says proudly.

"Why because it makes you taller?" I tease.

"Excuse you! I'm 6'3!"

"6'1." I correct.

He grumbles under his breath.

"It's basically the same thing."

I shake my head before starting to eat. It's quite good and I'm surprised that Techno knows how to cook.

"No shot he made this." Tommy confused.

"Techno, who made this?!" He shouts.

"Me!" We hear a faint reply.

"No way!"

"I can cook, you know!"

"I don't believe him," Tommy mutters to me.

"Don't you burn spaghetti?" I murmur.

"Yeah, but at least I admit it."


After we finish eating we do our dishes and Tommy leads me to a room with a large window overlooking the yard. there is a red bedspread across the bed and I smile as I see the collections of Minecraft figures and pictures of Tommy and Tubbo on the walls.

"This is my room but you're welcome to have it." He says "I've been using Wills's room."

I nod and thank him before watching him leave the room and settle on the bed. I toss and turn for about an hour before I hear a creak of the door handle.

"Ranboo?" Tommy stands in the doorway.


"Can I sleep here? I can't fall asleep alone."

I nod and lift the blankets as he crawls underneath them and stares at the ceiling. I hear his breathing even out slowly and eventually, he falls asleep.

I turn away from him and stare at the wall. I finally drift off into a deep sleep and dreams flit about my vision.

At first, I see Tubbo and Tommy in the park again but then they disappear and I see Tubbo on the edge of a cliff.

He stands there still as the end buffets around him ripping at his sweater and hair. A reach a hand out to him he turns around. I notice the tears gathering in his eyes and walk toward him slowly, asking him what's wrong. He shakes his head fast.

I reach out and wrap my arms softly around him as all the wind around us stops suddenly.

"I love you boo." He whispers into my ear as he hugs me.

"I love you too Tubbo," I say "but you need to wake up."

He shakes his head.

"Can you do that for me?" I ask him, gently shaking his shoulders.

"I can try," he says in a small, broken voice.

"Please Tubbo," I murmur "please try for us."

He nods before turning back around and gazing at the sea beyond the cliff. He takes a step further toward the edge and gives me a soft smile.

"I have to go."

"No Tubbo!" I say desperately "please stay."

"It's okay boo, I will try but you might have to learn how to live without me."

"I can't Tubbo." I cry "I can't!"

"I love you boo."

"No Tubbo!" I reach for him "don't go!"

He steps to the very edge and casting one last look at him he steps forward and falls fast. His body curling into a ball as he falls, I watch him until he hits the cold endless expanse of grey.

(1023 words)
Happy new year's eve! What will be your first song of the new year I wonder?
Drink some water and touch some grass, please.
Thoughts? <3
I made brownies (:

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