Chapter 2

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I followed Fred and George to our common room once the feast was done; even though I had a tour of most areas in the school, I still didn't know my way around.

"So do we have any classes together?" I asked the twins, not wanting to be alone on my first day of school.

"Sorry love," Fred answered cheerfully. "But you'll make plenty of friends in your own year, don't sweat it."

Once we reached the common room, I made my way up to my new dorm room to get settled and relax before school started tomorrow. I walked in to find my suitcase and belongings sitting at the end of the bed closest to the door. The bed had red curtains tied on dark wooden posts. Another girl, one of my roommates, was rustling through her suitcase at the end of the bed next to mine. She looked up as I entered the room and her face lit up upon seeing me.

"Hi, I'm Mackenzie!" She put out her hand to shake mine. "You must be the new student, y/n. Professor McGonagall asked me to help you out, so let me know if you have any questions."

"Great, a babysitter, that'll help me fit in." I said sarcastically but smiled and shook her hand so I wouldn't come off as hostile. "Why do all the students shake hands?"

"I dunno," Mackenzie laughed. "Don't see me as a babysitter, just a friendly acquaintance."

It took everything in me not to roll my eyes. Mackenzie was a very cheerful person. I sat on my bed and watched as she continued to remove things from her suitcase. Mackenzie was slightly shorter than me, with curly hair so blond you might mistake it for white in the right lighting. Her blue eyes are what made her look so friendly and approachable. She was curvy and attractive. As I looked back up at her face, her eyes caught mine and she smiled.

"You must be nervous for tomorrow." Mackenzie said.

"I'm OK." I replied nonchalantly. I pulled my timetable out of my skirt pocket and unfolded it. I began studying the classes, specifically my double potions tomorrow afternoon. "Hey Mackenzie, how do you get to the dungeons?"

"I can show you tomorrow. I'll show you all your classes if you want."

"You can call my Mack, by the way."

"What?" I asked, coming out of my stupor.

"Everyone calls me Mack."

"Oh, ok." Mack sat down on the edge of her bed, facing me. I put down my timetable in my lap.

"Let me see," she said as she grabbed my timetable and studied it herself. "Oh, fantastic. We have transfiguration and charms together in the morning." She looked up and smiled at me, then continued reading my timetable. "Oh, disgusting, double potions. Why would you do that to yourself?"

"I like potions," I said shyly as I grabbed my timetable back and tucked it in my pocket.

"Well, you might not after tomorrow."

"I take it you're not in potions?"

"Professor Snape only accepts the best grades in his 7th year class. I honestly think you might be the only Gryffindor in potions. But anyways enough about school, you're from Canada right?" I nodded. "What are Canadian boys like?"

I couldn't help but laugh.

"They're nothing to brag about," I answered, "At least not from my school."

"Did you date much?"

I was unsure how to tell Mack that I barely dated at all. Boys my age never interested me. I preferred someone older and more mature. I could tell Mack was really enjoying this topic and I wanted to be her friend, so I lied.

"I dated here and there," I said. This was not necessarily a lie, considering I did date a couple men.

"Tell me all about it." Mack said excitedly.

The rest of the night, we exchanged dating stories and stories about my school in Canada. I was eager to ask about Professor Snape, however held back my curiosity until it seemed like a more appropriate topic. I didn't quite understand why students seemed to hate him, as I thought he seemed interesting. I mean, how bad can a teacher really be?

As the evening progressed, my two other roommates eventually came up to bed. Mary had very curly black short hair and a face full of freckles. She introduced herself upon Mack's request and never smiled at me. Toya was darker skinned with long brown braided hair. She smiled at me but I didn't get to speak with her as she went straight to her bed, which was the furthest from mine.

Mack and I followed their lead, and went to bed as well. 

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