Chapter 26

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Before we knew it, it was time to return to school. We all boarded the Hogwarts Express early on a Sunday. The ride to school was quiet, students dreading the return of lectures, studying, and exams. I felt quite relieved to go back, eager to see Severus. I hadn't seen him since New Year's day, and I convinced myself that this was because he was doing a favour for Dumbledore.

Sirius and I hadn't spoken much about that night. I tried avoiding him but he always managed to locate me and strike up a conversation. He had clearly told Remus about what had happened, as when Remus was seeing us off at King's Cross Station, he told me that I could always reach out to him for anything.

It was dark when we arrived at the school. Students headed for the Great Hall for dinner and as I entered, Mack came running to me and hugged me tight.

"Oh my God, y/n," she said, squeezing me. "I missed you so much."

I hugged her back. "I missed you too, but I literally can't breathe."

She let go of me. "Sorry."

I sat with Mack, her friends and the twins to eat. I looked up at the teacher's table and was relieved to see Severus there, engaged in a conversation with McGonagall but his eyes were staying on me. I looked away but could still feel his gaze burning into me.

Later that night, I excused myself from my friends to go study in the library. Instead of turning towards the library, I made my way down to the dungeons to Snape's office. I knocked twice, waited and let myself in.

Severus was looking at my lazily from behind his office, papers sprawled in front of him. I closed the door and made my way to his desk.

"Avoiding me, are we?" I teased.

"I've been busy," Severus explained.

I started making my way around the desk to him.

"I am exhausted," Severus said. "Maybe another night?"

"But Severus," I said as I dropped into his lap. I pouted as his arm wrapped around my waist.

"You're insufferable," Severus said through clenched teeth.

"I'm aware," I said, leaning into him.

Our lips met and he kissed me deeply. Once he broke away from me, he lifted me up onto my feet and stood soon after.

"Hey!" I shouted.

"I want to show you something," Severus explained.

Severus grabbed my hand, enveloping it in his own and led me out of his office. He checked to make sure the way was clear before closing the door behind us, and continuing to drag me along the dark corridor.

"Anyone ever tell you you have sexy hands?" I said, observing his hand around mine.

"Be quiet," Severus whispered.

We finally arrived in front of a black door between his office and classroom.

"What a beautiful door," I commented, glancing sideways at Severus.

"You're really starting to annoy me." Severus rolled his eyes.

He tapped the door handle with the tip of his wand and it unlocked. He opened the door and stepped aside for me to go in first. I glanced at him skeptically before stepping inside.

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